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Alan writes thanking his parents for a letter and parcel. He describes his daily routine. It appears very tiring but the food is good. He went to Durham one sunday.

Alan writes thanking his parents for their later and newspapers. They have been for a long march in the sun and are suffering.

Alan writes thanking his parents for their letters. He is finding the navigation course troubling. He is planning to visit the States and he has not heard from Barbara for a while.

Alan writes thanking his parents for letters and newspapers. His current course is astro-navigation.

Alan thanks his parents for their letters and newspapers. He visited Montreal and compares it with Paris.

Alan writes thanking his parents for their letters. He travelled to Calgary by train, then Banff and Lake Louise, then Vancouver. He spent a week in Vancouver looking at the tourist sites.

Alan thanks his parents for their letters and newspapers. He has visited Ottawa where he had a tour conducted by a Mountie of the parliament buildings. He has sent stamps for Mr Lee. He discusses his school education and Barbara.

Alan thanks his parents for their letters and newspapers. He is about to be transferred to Ontario.

Alan writes thanking his parents for their letters and papers. He asks for a copy of Leicester Illustrated Chronicle to be sent each week. He is about to get 14 days leave but is not sure where he will go because train fares are high. He writes about…

Alan writes that he has had no letter for nine days. He has been on a weener roast. He ate his first banana. He has been horse riding.

Alan writes thanking his parents for their air letter and ATC Gazette. His course is not so arduous as at Regina, he gets lots more free time. He gets weekends off and goes to dances and hikes.

Alan writes that he is being transferred to Edmonton, Alberta. He will be taking courses in navigation, air bombing and wireless operator/ air gunnery.

Alan writes that his course is pretty tough compared with Cambridge. He sailed across in a large luxury liner, the food was good. Chocolate, fruit and cigarettes were for sale in unlimited quantities. The sea became rough and many were sick. Then…

Alan writes that he will be home on leave on Friday. He has been to Ely cathedral.

Alan writes that this letter will be short because he is on duty at Jesus college that night. He has several fillings which saves him pain when flying at altitude. He has been out to see a film.

Alan thanks his parents for the cake, shoes and pen. No pencils arrived and he asks for them. He asks his parents to thank family and friends for the gifts they sent. He thinks he will spend another six weeks at his present station whilst taking a…

Alan writes that he will be free this weekend and will visit them. He asks for bone buttons and clean pyjamas.

Alan writes that he has booked the Royal Hotel for his parents. he asks for Carrs fever powders, bone buttons and string.

Alan thanks his parents for their letter. He suggests they do not visit him because he is busy. Next weekend he will be free. he wishes them all the best for 1943.

Alan writes that he has been moved back to London. He prefers to be there although the food is not so good. He is waiting to be posted elsewhere.

Alan writes thanking his parents for their letter. He did a night's guard duty which he found very tiring.

Alan thanks his parents for the parcel that they have sent. He complains that the torch that they sent has a flat battery and tells them they should have removed it before sending. He has been trying, unsuccessfully, to arrange a hotel or B&B for a…

Alan writes that he has received a parcel from his parents. He is being kept busy. There is plenty of sport and he has been to communion. He asks for a compass set, ruler, clean rags and pyjamas. The food in the mess is very good.

Alan writes that he is now in Cambridge. The discipline is less strict and meals are served by waiters. [Only two pages, the rest of the letter is missing]

Alan thanks his parents for their parcel. He is about to be posted to Cambridge Initial Training Wing with some of his friends. He has been to London and attended a lecture on North Africa followed by a debate on the war situation.
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