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  • Tags: 104 Squadron

Cloth badge 104 squadron motto strike hard.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Orvieto. The left and top are obscured by explosions and anti-aircraft flashes.
It is captioned '1126. Fog. 13/14 May 44 // NT. 8" 8.000-> 160° 23.18 1/2 Orvieto M/Y M. Illuminator. P7 W/O…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. No detail is visible of the ground, the image is obscured by explosions and light flashes.
It is captioned '1165. Fog.22/23 May 44 // NT 8" 8200 -> 120° 23.26 Valmontone. Rd. D 5 x 500 PO Sgt…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. Most of the top of the image is obscured by light flashes.
It is captioned '1171 Fog 25/26 May 44 // NT 8" 9000' -> 330° 00.33 Viterbo. D.9x500 P8. Sgt Bird L 104'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. The top left of the image is obscured by explosions and light flashes but much ground detail is visible on the image.
It is captioned '1211. Fog. 28/29 May 44 // N.T. 8" 9000' -> 135° 00.12…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. The top left of the image is obscured by light flashes but the river and both banks are clear. Under the photograph is written "Top Notcher".
It is captioned '1254. Fog. 2/3 June 44 // NT 8"…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. Much of the detail in the middle and top is obscured by light flashes.
It is captioned '1293. Fog.6/7 June 44. // NT 8" 7,100' -> 030°0139 Orvieto. D. 1x4000. P7. Sgt Bird. D. 104'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation. Underneath is written "Top Notcher".
It is captioned '1331.Fog. 9/10 June 44. // NY. 8" 7,400' -> 040° 0243. Terni. Y. 5x500. P7. Sgt. Bird/ E. 104.'

A target photograph taken during an operation to Almasfuzito. The left and bottom of the image are obscured by light trails and glare. To the right and upper areas the refinery and roads can be seen. It is annotated 'A4' and captioned:
'1361. FOG.…

Target photograph taken on an operation to Trieste of the Zaule area, with the Gaslini works and the railway lines. The roads and field pattern are clearly visible.
The photograph is annotated 'A4' and is captioned:
'1637 FOG. 26/27 JUNE 44 // N.T…

Two target photographs taken on separate operations to Feuersbrunn in Austria.
First photograph shows the grass field but no runways stand out. Vehicle tracks and small bomb craters can be seen. It is annotated 'A4' and captioned:
'1459 FOG. 29/30…

A certificate awarding Sergeant Bird and crew the best night photographs for June. The artwork comprises a large bomb with the citation written in it, and the outline of a Wellington, stars, searchlights and a port. On the opposite page is a…

Two target photographs for separate operations to Brod in former Yugoslavia.
1st photograph: Darkness, smoke, light trails and Flak bursts hide much of the ground detail but some roads can be seen. It is annotated 'A4' and captioned:
'1506. FOG.…

A target photograph for an operation to Milan. Some roads are visible and Target Indicators have been laid across, what appears to be, several railway tracks. The photograph is annotated 'A4' and captioned:
'1524. FOG. 10/11 July 44 // NT8" 6200'…

A target photograph for an operation to Fiume. No detail is visible on the ground and there are three streaks of light. It is annotated 'A4' and captioned:
'1598. FOG. 19/20 JULY 44 // NT 8" 9,800' ->305° 2249.
FIUME. L. 9x500. P8. SGT BIRD. M.…

A certificate awarding Sergeant Bird and crew the best night photographs for July 1944. The artwork comprises the outline of a Wellington, Flak bursts, searchlights and bomb explosions. It is signed by a Squadron Leader.

Target photograph for an operation to Kraljevo. Apart from some light and smoke in the central lower part, much of the ground detail is clear. At top centre is the circular 'Square of Serbian Warriors', with a residential area below. The Ibar river…

Target photograph for an operation to Valance Aerodrome. A road is visible, running diagonally top to bottom, surrounded by fields. The photograph is annotated 'A4' and captioned:
'1669. FOG. 15/16 AUG 1944. //NT. F8. 9500'. -> 020° 23.38.

A target photograph for an operation to St. Valentin AFV and Tank Factory in Austria. Light trails and smoke obscure most of the ground but some roads are visible. It is annotated 'A5' and captioned:
'1678. FOG .20/21 AUG 1944. // NT. F8. 10400'.…

A target photograph for an operation to Miskolc Marshalling Yards. No ground detail is visible, it is dark or obscured by light. The photograph is annotated 'A12' and captioned:
'1701. FOG. 22/23 AUG 44 // NT 8" 9000' ->200° 23.30. 

A target photograph taken on an operation to the Bologna Main Marshalling Yards. Fields and roads are visible in most of the image. There is an area of glare at the left edge, which obscure some ground detail. The photograph is annotated 'A4' and…

A target photograph in an album, taken on an operation to Pesaro in Italy. Roads, fields and buildings are visible and in the centre, a flash of light. The photograph is annotated 'A6' and captioned: '731. FOG. 26/27 AUG. 44 // NT. 8" 9000' -→…

A target photograph taken during an operation to Pesaro, Italy. The clear image is orientated with south at its upper edge. The Adriatic and the cliffs to the SE of Pesaro can be seen with the Strada Statale 16 running along the narrow beach. Inland…

On the left page is a handwritten summary of an operation to the marshalling yards in Bologna, Italy.
On the righthand page is a target photograph taken on that operation. The central part is obscured by smoke and light but around this some roads…

A target photograph taken during an operation to the marshalling yards in Ferrara with supporting handwritten information. In the photograph smoke and glare obscures the marshalling yards in the left part of the image. Below there are numerous bomb…
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