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  • Tags: military service conditions

Peter Lamprey writes about life at Royal Air Force Hixon including the problem of getting into town for entertainment.

Peter Lamprey writes to his work mates complaining about life and hoping to get leave to visit them. He also mentions that some personnel have left for the next stage of training and he might be soon to follow.

Writes that he had been so busy he had little time to write letters and catch up with all his mail. Asks after Bill's work and comments on petrol rationing in Canada. Mentions although it was expensive to travel by train but he was seeing plenty of…

Trying out airmail letter to see if it is quicker than airgram. Reports arrival of mail from home some of which was taking a long time. Catches up with news and gossip, comments on weather and his health. Comments on distance to Toronto which he can…

Had just arrived in Canada. Mentions and describes some aspects of voyage and arrival in New York. Followed by train journey to Moncton Canada awaiting posting to flying training unit.

Writes of his activities at Moncton. Mentions social activities, weather, accommodation, the camp and going into town.

Reports receiving a large amount of mail from family and friends. Writes he is having the time of his life and describes events surrounding his 21st birthday with visit to Montreal. Says he should be off to navigator school shortly. Compares speed of…

Writes that he is receiving a constant flow of mail. States he would be at his current location for 12 weeks. Says it is a good station with plenty of hard work but weekend off and a 48 hour pass every month. Describes Toronto city and mentions…

Writes that he was exited to have started flying and was confident that he would make it. Catches up with family news and had difficulty finding time to write with all the work he had to do. Mentions he spent 48 hour leave in Toronto.

Catches up with family news. Writes he spent his weekend in Toronto with his girl friend. Says a little about flying on his course. Mentions scorching weather and issue of summer outfits.

Describes being busy recently flying. Mentions going to friends next week for 48 hour pass and hot weather. Request photographs from home and catches up with news.

Writes that he has been very busy with exams and will shortly start meteorology. Explains that exams will persist throughout his course. Continues with family matters and mentions letters he had received. Says he is spending most weekends with his…

Reports on exam results and says he is getting on well with his flying. Says he has been busy flying. States this was the first weekend he had not been to his girlfriend's house and missed their Sunday dinner. Says he will send some more photographs.…

Writes about his recent flying on his navigation course. Mentions starting mid term exams shortly. Reports on mail from home. Writes that expected four days leave had been cancelled and replaced by 48 hour pass every other week. He would be spending…

Mentions he now had 60 flying hours navigating. Says it was raining so had a break from flying. Mentions he sent some photographs to her. Writes that he had a 48 hour pass coming before he started on exams, Continues with family gossip.

Writes that he is off to prepare for night flight. Mentions he spend another marvellous weekend with Canadian friends. Writes that exams start shortly and he was praised by his instructor for performance on his last trip. Writes that his camera had…

Writes that heh had a good weekend with friends. Mentions an injury to his knee. Writes of a long trip to overnight at a station in Québec. Says he only has a few more trips and his final exams to go. Writes that he received photographs they sent…

Writes that he had been doing a lot of flying which was very tiring. States he had passed photography and was preparing for another exam. Was now in the final month of the course and would graduate shortly. Discusses getting presents and about…

Says he had been busy with exams and describes upcoming events for the end of his course. He might get to stay in Canada if they need instructors, otherwise he would be on his way home in October. Comments that exams were going well and he had two…

Writes he had completed all his exams and passed them all and was looking forward to graduation day. Says he is not sure about what will be happening, and when, after graduation. Apologises for not writing but had been very busy. Writes a little…

Writes that he is thrilled with his promotion and although he would have loved to come home, was sure she would be happy that he was staying in Canada. Says he is on leave and spending time with Canadian friends. Wished she could have been at…

Writes he was settling into his new life and that his new course would last 14 weeks and would include lecturing. Says he had a good time in New York before returning to Toronto. Spend the remainder of leave with Canadian friends. Currently billeted…

Mentions that her letters were probably being held up by censor. Writes he was enjoying the privileges of rank but was not too keen on his course. Sorry that he was not able to come home to see them all. Asks her to let him know if they want anything…

Reports that mail situation was poor and he had not received any letters lately. Wished that he could have come home and seen them rather than staying in Canada. Writes that things were much the same there, flying, lectures and other duties. Mentions…

Mentions that he had a letter from his Canadian friends who told him that she had written to them and tanked her. Mentions he will be going to see them on his next 48 hour pass. Writes that he is getting five days leave for Christmas and they would…
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