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  • Tags: 104 Squadron

Copies of target photographs of Innsbruck and Freilassing.
The upper image has no detail, just some glare. It is captioned:
2969. 104/101. 25/26-APR-45. F8".//NT. 9200'.→255°. 2247. FREILASSING.
G. 2x1000. 10x500. MkIII 21. F/O WARD (F/O…

Two low quality target photographs of Argenta and Padua. The upper image (upside down) has no discernible detail and glare covers more than half. It is captioned:
104/71. 12/13 MARCH 45. F8"//8200 - 28 14.50 PADUA
W 4x1000. 8x500 MkIII 22. F/O WARD…

Two low quality copies of target photographs of Brück and Fiume (Rijeka).
The Fiume image (upside down). Captioned:
'2615 104/60 16 Feb 45 F8//12,500ft → 14.32 G A FIUME
Fiume was before Powell stated operations on 104 Squadron.

The Brück…

Low quality copies of target photographs of Brescia and supply drop at Crnomelj.
The Brescia image shows some ground detail in which the distinctive Cimitero Vantiniano is identifiable. Around half of the photograph is obscured by glare. It is…

Low quality copies of two target photographs of Villach. No ground details are discernible, and both contain a large patch of glare.
The left image is captioned:
2769 104/83 25/26-MAR-45. F8. NT.//9820'.→234º. 20.19. VILLACH
D. 12x…

Lists crews for A and B flight. Powell is listed in KL359 of A flight. Captioned 'crews detailed for last sortie before the end of WW2. Not considered to be an op. 8th army had outrun supplies. Aircraft landed in fields near Lavariano, N Italy…

Some details of operation to Freilassing marshalling yards. Provide short report on bombing. Lists crew. Two versions of the same document.

Provides some details of operation to Padua marshalling yards. Lists crew and gives details of bombing and other events.

Some details of operation to Brück marshalling yards. Lists crew and some details of bombing. Two versions of the same document.

Some details of operation to Villach North marshalling yards. Lists crew and provides details of bombing. Two versions of the same document.

Details of two operations to Trento and Vicenza. List crews and gives some details of sortie. Reports on bombing and combats seen. Two versions of the same document.

Gives some details of operation to Brescia marshalling yards. Lists crew and reports results. Noted that two other aircraft seen to collide. Two versions of the same document.

Gives some details of operation to troop concentrations at Argenta. Lists crew and repots results. Two versions of the same document.

Gives some details of operation to Innsbruck. Lists crew. Two versions of the same document.

Details of operation to Trento choke points. Lists crew and provides some details of sortie. Bombs landed on TIs. Could not get landing gear down on normal system on return, lowered mechanically. Two versions of the same document.

For both operations, lists crew. For Verona reports route markers seen and visually aiming bombs and bursts seen on markers. For supply drop visually identified target, containers aimed at target, all chutes opened. Good concentration. Two versions…

Top left - B-24 parked on airfield, captioned '104 a/c Foggia 45'. Top right - air-to-air view looking down on B-24 with bombs falling. Captioned 'Bomb hit B-24 but plane survives, not our plane, taken in 44'. Middle left - three airmen two wearing…

Vertical aerial target photograph of Trento. The image shows open countryside but most ground details are obscurred by cloud or smoke. Some roads and buildings are visible.
The photograph is captioned:
2789 104/86 2/3 APR 45. F8 N.T.//9.500'…

Target photograph showing town streets and explosions centre and bottom centre. Captioned '2698 104/71 11/12 Mar 45 F8 NT//8000 ft 240 degrees Verona, D 4x1000, 8x500 Mk III 22 F/O Ward (F/O Scott B/A) P.'.

Vertical aerial target photograph of Innsbruck. The ground detail shows mainly residential areas while in the centre of the image there is smoke from explosions and a number of flashes from ordnance. It is captioned:
2852 104/92 10/11 APL 45…

Target photograph of Villach showing a large area of very bright glare to the left. Elsewhere some road and street details are visible. It is captioned:
2769 104/83 25/26-MAR-45. F8". NT//9,820' →234º 20.29. VILLACH
D 12x500 (INC) MkIII 20 F/O…

Aerial vertical target photograph of Brescia, orientated with south west at the top edge. The image shows
good detail of the town's streets with the distinctive Cimitero Vantiniano in the centre. In the upper centre is a glare from a large fire or…

Vertical aerial target photograph of Trento. Some ground details, mainly roads, are visible as is open countryside. In the upper part are several light trails from ordnance. It is captioned:
2829 104/90. 8/9-APR-45. F8". NT.//9,500'.→[redacted]…

Target photograph showing fields in top half and town and roads below. Straight lines running top left to middle right are the River Reno and beyond it, the wider Canale Della Botte. Tracer lines in bottom left and explosions left and right bottom.…

Target photograph showing tracer lines and explosion. Captioned
2716, 104/76 18/19 MAR45. F8. N.T.//9,300' →[redacted] VICENZA
C 4x1000. 8x500. MkIII 24. F/O WARD (F/O SCOTT B/A) P.
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