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  • Collection: Szuwalska, Wanda

Wanda Szuwalska was 16 years old when Germany invaded Poland. The family was deported to Siberia by the Russian army. They travelled for several weeks to the Arkhangelsk region, where Wanda then worked as a logger. When war intensified between Russia…

RAF Form 1304 issued to Wanda Gawel. Discharged on compassionate grounds.

Black and white landscape group photograph of several airmen and airwomen gathered in a group photograph, some sitting, some standing taken with a Nissan hut in the background, Wanda Szuwalska at the front centre of photograph is holding a bouquet.

Wanda Szuwalska and her groom kneeling before a priest on their wedding day.

Wanda Szuwalska and her groom, on their wedding day. Both are in uniform, Wanda has a small bouquet.
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