Browse Items (139 total)

  • Collection: Scott, Eric William

Notes that Flying Officer E W Scott had authority to wear 1939/45 Star, Aircrew Europe Star and Italy Star ribbons and emblems.

Wooden carved model of a Wellington on stand.

Dark blue covers front with 'Photos'.

Informs her that information received through Red Cross stated that her husband was a prisoner of war.

Six newspaper cuttings.
Left - headlines 'Lincoln flight sergeant is prisoner of war'. Gives some details of family.
Middle, two cuttings concerning news that Scott was promoted and to his Air Training Corps Squadron that he was prisoner of war.…

Newspaper cutting with map of Germany and parts of Poland and Hungary with locations of prisoner of war camps, towns/cities and Allied Fronts.

Colour artwork postcard showing beach on the right with promenade. To the left a park with buildings, lawn and a tent. In the distance a town. Captioned 'Beach and Greensward, Mablethorpe'.

Shows personal and physical details, next of kin, b/w head and shoulder photograph and fingerprint.

Sixteen page journal with text and photographs. The final issue with message from Field Marshal Lord Chetwode, Editorial, article on history of prisoner of war mail/parcels, awards ceremony, prisoner of war students, garden parties, articles about…

Map showing Mediterranean Sea and surrounding countries. Provides a history of of the group who provided the only mobile force of heavy bombers in the Mediterranean theatre. Wellington, Halifax and B-24 acted as a tactical force attacking…

1939–1945 Star, Italy Star, Defence Medal, War Medal 1939–1945, Unofficial Prisoner of War Medal, and Unofficial Bomber Command Medal.

Three cloth squares

A large group of airmen wearing tunics with side caps, In the centre front and officer wearing peaked cap. They are sitting and standing in four rows with a large house in the background. Captioned 'No. 9 Initial Training Wing, B. Flight, No 2…

Top left - a large group of airmen wearing khaki uniform sitting and standing in four rows in front of a Wellington. At front middle a sign '37 Sqdn, B Flight'.
Top right - two airmen wearing khaki shirt and shorts sitting on a wall. The man on the…
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