Browse Items (262 total)

  • Collection: Powell, Norman Ivor

View looking down Grand Hotel with curving coastline in the distance, cliffs and buildings.

Identification kindly provided by Riccardo Ricci of the 'In viaggio tra le culture del mondo' Facebook group.

Tree line street with two story building on far side. Group of servicemen walking down the street with others walking in the distance.

Half length image of a man wearing civilian jacket and tie, standing by the fuselage of an a York.


A man wearing civilian clothes and jacket standing by the fuselage of an a York


A man wearing civilian jacket and tie standing by the tail of a York


A man wearing civilian clothes with jacket standing by the tail of a civil registered (MW18?) York.


Two airmen wearing khaki uniform with shorts sitting side by side. The one on the left is holding something up to his mouth.

Three-quarter length image of a man wearing trousers but no shirt. In the background a tent.

In the foreground left a tent with a man walking past. On the right small structures. In the distance centre a B-24.

A airman wearing battledress with Mae West, flying helmet and flying boots standing with foot up on a chair in front of a tent.

Head and shoulders image of three airmen arm-in-arm, wearing khaki uniform.

Head and shoulders image of two airmen wearing khaki uniform with sergeant rank.

Four airmen wearing khaki uniform with sergeant rank, three with shorts and with long trousers, all standing in line in front of tents.

Two laughing airmen grabbing a supine airmen by shoulders and legs in front of a lorry. One is sergeant, the other a flight sergeant. Another airman is climbing on the bonnet. In the background buildings and an airman walking.

An airmen wearing battledress with flight sergeant rank and flying boots feeding a horse/pony. In the background buildings including Nissen huts and tents.

Inside a room with table on left covered with papers, mugs and other unidentified objects. To the right an open door with screen. Behind door a coat pegs with coats.

Four airmen wearing khaki uniform with shorts sitting in front of a building. One is wearing dark glasses.

Half length image of two airmen wearing battledress with half brevet and sergeant rank sitting on wall with sea background. Norman Powell on right. Behind are sea cliffs with buildings at base and on top.

Identification kindly provided by Moos…

Two airmen wearing battledress with half brevet standing beside a tent.

Two airmen wearing battledress with half brevet sitting on a wall with beach and sea behind. Norman Powell on right. In the distance sea cliffs with buildings on top and in the far distance mountains.

Identification kindly provided by Moos…


An airman wearing khaki uniform with shorts, holding flying helmet, sitting on a chair in front of a tent. His Mae West is over one shoulder. Other tents in the background.

An airman wearing battledress with half brevet sitting on a chair in front of a tent. Other tents in the background.

Two airmen with uniform shirt sleeves rolled up sitting across from each other round a small table, playing cards inside a tent.

Two airmen wearing khaki uniform shirts with sleeves rolled up. Man on left has sergeant rank. Both standing in front of a tent.

Three airmen, two wearing khaki shirts and shorts, the other battledress with half brevet. Standing in front of a tent with other tents in the background.
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