A circle of seven men in kilts with an eight man in the centre. They are dancing a reel on a wooden platform. There is a man playing an accordion at the side. They are watched by a large group of spectators.
Horses and jockeys lined up at the start of the race. There are several hobby horses and two pantomime horses. On the right are two men dressed as gentlemen in suits with top hats and binoculars.
The jockey with the letter'M' on his chest is standing beside a large model horse. On the right is a spectator. Behind is a large group of spectators beside a hut.
A procession of men in fancy dress. They are wearing long johns, a knotted scarf round their middle, no top and a balaclava. In the background is the teepee and decorations on the ends of huts. All watched by many spectators.
Group of men seated and standing outside a house decorated as a Maori hut. They are mainly topless and are wearing Maori headbands. One man seated at the front has a guitar and another is holding a long spear. A group of spectators is watching.
Group of men dressed as jockeys, maharajahs, Uncle Sam and ladies. They are arranged loosely in two rows, the front row is the four jockeys and they are kneeling. The rest are standing behind.
A group of men dressed in long johns, scarves and balaclavas. They are marching in a line and playing a drum and wind instruments. In the background are groups of spectators.
Group of men in fancy dress. In the front row is a man dressed as a woman in Welsh national costume, a man dressed as an elegant woman and a jockey. One of the group is wearing his airman's uniform. Many of the spectators are topless. Behind is a…
Three rows of men dressed in a variety of American fancy dress. There are cowboys, Native Americans, a man dressed as Uncle Sam, men dressed as sportswomen. The front row is seated, the middle row standing and the back row standing on a raised…
17 rugby players. 16 men in rugby kit. One dressed in airman's uniform. They are arranged in three rows, one kneeling, one stooped and the third standing. The are positioned in front of the rugby ball. Behind is a hut and some bare trees.