Apologizes for being gloomy in his last letter. Mentions that there had been talk of sending long standing prisoners to neutral countries but does not think much chance as many had been there for over 3 years. Comments that no mail had arrived from…
Writes that she has finally moved into the new house. Mentions that previous week she was nursing her mother through that year's 48 hour flu from which daughter had also recovered. Catches up with news of family and friends and writes of her other…
Letter from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes about the mail he has received from friends and family and how long it took to arrive, that he received various newspapers, about the weather, his social activities,…
Writes that a reply to her letter to Adastral House noted that a PO Lewis was in the crew and as a result she fears for safety of the rest of the crew and that they must have come down in the sea. Hopes that some of them might have been picked up.