Browse Items (22 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Georgia--Americus"

Pilot Flight Record and Log Book for Pilot Officer Cyril Charles Goff from March 1942 to May 1943. Detailing Arnold Scheme training schedule in the United States at Americus, Montgomery, Albany and later at RAF Perton.

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Pilots flying log book for James A Penny, covering the period from 10 November 1941 to 23 November 1943 when he was shot down over Berlin. He was stationed at AAC Souther Field, RCAF North Battleford, RAF Shawbury, RAF Sleap, RAF Blyton, RAF Upwood…

The instructors are posed in three rows, with aircraft in the background. The instructors names are typed below the photograph.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Produced by Class 42E to say thank you to the staff and instructors.

Bill Foskett’s Aviation Supply Corporation Pilot Flight Record regarding his pilot’s training from 8th July until 2nd October 1942 at the US Army Air Force Training Detachment. Served at Souther and Cochran Fields, Georgia.
Aircraft flown were…

Bill Foskett’s Flying Log Book from 20th March 1942 until 9th August 1943. Training started at 3 EFTS before moving to training bases in America. Returned to England to 15 OTU from July 1943.
Served at RAF Shellingford, Souther Field USA, Cochran…

A single storey brick building with a portico entrance, pitched tiled roof with a glass turret. A drive leads to the building through grass, flower beds and shrubs. Labeled 'Senior High School, Americus, Ga'.

A group of brick buildings arranged in open parkland. The central building has a portico entrance and a domed roof. Labled 'Aerial view of Georgia southwestern College, Americus, Ga'.

Incudes personal details, promotions from AC2 to pilot officer, medals, medical classification, inoculations, vaccinations, identity cards issued, will and a list of postings.

A two storey building set in open ground with bushes planted along the frontage. The United States flag flies from a flagpole in front and a water tower is behind.

Top - a large building with columned portico and trees to both sides. captioned 'First Methodist church Americus'.
Middle left - a distant long two story building with another at right angles on the right. Water tower behind the distant building.…

Top left - view from the air of a small town - captioned McRae, Georgia'.
Top centre - air-to air view of distant Tiger Moths. Captioned 'Formation'.
Top right - air-to-air view of two Tiger Moths in the distance. Captioned 'on the…

Top left - view from the air of open country - captioned 'dive towards earth in a PT 17 Stearman'
Top centre - view down tree lined street with house on the right. Captioned 'Melon avenue, ground is covered with wild water melons'.
Top right - view…

Top left - view of distant buildings. Captioned 'Souther field mess hall, left rear'.
Top centre - parade of men marching. In the distance a long two story building with water tower behind. Captioned 'the day of victory for British cadets'.

Top left - a man sitting at table inside a room writing. Captioned 'the boys write home'.
Top centre - a large white building with columned portico and domed roof. Captioned 'Methodist church Americus'.
Top right - a man sitting at table in barrack…

A building with pitched roof to one side of a large open space on which goal posts are set and a man is walking. To the left is a flagpole from which the United States flag flies. Utility posts are erected on the building and across the site. Other…

Top left - kit bags in barrack room. Captioned 'packed to leave'.
Top centre - men gathered round coaches - caption also for photograph below 'Fort Valley, the half way house'.
Top right - three men sitting with kit bags.
Middle left - town street…
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