William Jackson’s Flying Log Book 2 from 15th February 1943 until 26th November 1946. Posted to 23 Operational Training Unit, 15 Operational Training Unit (October 1943) and 1673 Heavy Conversion Unit (May 1944). Operational posting to 355 Squadron…
G. Dennett’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 14/5/42 to 17/3/46, detailing training, operations and instructional duties as a Wireless Operator, Air Bomber, Air Gunner and Radar Operator. Based at: RAF Yatesbury (No. 2…
After completing 37 Bomber Command operations during the war, Jack Harris remained in the RAF. In February 1949, he was posted to Singapore, where he joined 48 Squadron and undertook transport command services on C-47s. He describes evacuating…