Browse Items (125 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Zimbabwe--Manicaland Province"

Reports letters arrived and transit time. Agrees with suggestion it would be better to wait until the end of the war to make decisions on farming. Describes weather and local trees. Inside compound is like a desert after 700 of them have trampled it…

Writes of lack of mail, but mentions his birthday. Writes of a South African who had just returned after a couple of months in hospital. Talks of pompous fellow English prisoner as well as catching up on other news and gossip. Mentions playing rugby…

Reports arrival of letter from Uncle Jack with photographs. Notes friend arrival and now sharing room with six others. Catches up with other news and comments that air mail does not seem to make any difference to length of time mail takes. Mentions…

Writing from Stalag Luft 3 where he arrived previous day. Catches up with news of friends. Disappointed at being sent back but living conditions were more comfortable there. Reports arrival of letters that arrived while he was at XXIB. and comments…

Reports arrival of latest letters and comments on contents. Says moral is high and hopes they will be home by end of year. Writes of old work acquaintance who had arrived at camp and asks her to write to his mother. Asks about land settlement in…

Reports arrival of letters and catches up with news. Mentions rumour that NCOs were moved to East Russia and he and others were being transferred to north compound. Hopes they will have a good tobacco crop that season. Says he still hopes to farming…

Reports arrival of latest letters and catches up with news. Surprised to hear they were on holiday at the cape again and hoped they would enjoy themselves. Thinks of the future. Catches up with more gossip.

Thanks her for letters and looking forward to more photographs. Received parcel from Rhodesia House and list contents. Catches up with news of friend in camp. Discusses land schemes in Rhodesia. Wishes he could get Rhodesia circulars to keep up with…

Discusses what they can send him in parcels and mentions no mail since one dated beginning of October. Says his Egyptian parcels have stopped and only getting half a Red Cross parcel now. Discusses getting people in neutral countries to send food…

Wishes him happy birthday and best for 1943 and catches up with family news. Writes of farming.

Writes he is keeping fit and not taking much exercise apart from walking round compound. Mentions book he is reading, that his hair was growing and comments on weather.

Thanks her for letters and says life there continues the same. Mentions friend in camp and his studies. Mentions that it was getting chilly and expects severe winter.

Writes that he is well and mentions activities and future ambition to farm and asks for her views.

Reports arrival of letters and notes that those via Cairo are so quick it would not be worth sending mail via London. Thanks for photographs of them. Writes of his ambitions to farm and asks for information. Catches up with family/friends news.

Thanks her for letters and notes those via London take longer. Mentions arrival of book parcels and is hoping for books on farming. Sends thanks for parcels and commiserates over tobacco crop. Offers to send money if they are short. Discusses…

Had not received any mail due to restrictions. Asked if she got letter of condolence when he was supposed to be dead and clears up matter of girl from Stamford. Says he will need new underwear for next year if they are still there (1943). Resigned to…

Only had one letter in last six weeks and mentions there had been a restriction on their mail but it had now been lifted. Hopes that they had received cable that reports of his death were a mistake. Catches up with other news.

Reports arrival of letters written after hearing that he was alive and well. Assumed it was a shock and did not know how the mistake happened, Mentions mail restrictions being lifted. Says he had his hair shaved off and there had been the first snow.…

Writes that he is in a new camp and a change was welcome and train journey a good break. Mentions meeting old friend and catches up with news. Describes new camp and fellow inmates. Catches up with news of other friends. Says still write to him via…

Writes that no letters had arrived and wondered what she thought about him taking up farming after the war. Writes of potential future plans. Is keeping well and parcels arriving regularly. Catches up with family news.

Reports arrival of a number of her letters and mentions that Egyptian food parcels were coming through regularly. Writes that he had had two clothing parcels and discussing post routing. Mentions two book parcels. Explains recent incorrect…

Lets her know he fit and he had received no further mail. Mail from England was regular with some taking as little as ten days. Says there is not much in his letters as not much to write about. Mentions concert and that famous fighter pilots Tuck and…

Reports arrival of latest letters and notes that via London they take four to five months. Mentions letters from others and catches up with news. Says do not worry about war and he is looking forward to seeing them again. Mentions playing cricket and…

Reports that he had now received most of her letters to 19 April as well as other mail which was taking between two to four and a half months to arrive. Writes about a recent variety show and a cricket match in which he played. Mentions also playing…

Writes that he had now received fifteen letters and that via Cairo was quickest. Although she still seem anxious hopes his recent letters have reassured her. Catches up on home news and talks about weather. Mentions he received a clothing parcel from…
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