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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "New York (State)--Albany"

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An address book kept by Maurice. It includes a list of when he wrote letters.

The photograph on the left shows the Alfred E. Smith State Office Building in Albany behind some trees and a road. Cars can be seen on the road.
The photograph in the middle of the left page shows cars and other motor vehicles on a road situated…

Vultee on an airfield. A building and parked cars can be seen in the background. On the reverse is B13 VULTEE a number "023" and a stamp dated "APR 15 1942" and the writing "McCOLLUM'S PHOTO SHOP ALBANY . GA."


Stearman. More aircraft can be seen in the background of the right photograph. On the reverse is STEARMAN, a number "023" and a stamp dated "APR 15 1942" and the words "McCOLLUM'S PHOTO SHOP ALBANY . GA."


Listing Flight Lieutenant George Albert James Frazer-Hollins's date of birth, previous service, appointments and promotions, postings, honours and awards.
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