Address Book



Address Book


An address book kept by Maurice. It includes a list of when he wrote letters.




One book with handwritten annotations


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit and





[book cover]

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[indecipherable words]

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Mrs Hopcroft.
Marsh Rd. Pinner

T. Gibson, 23 Sandy Lodge Way

L/CPL F.O. Forman 329177
No 2 Field Remount Dept
Osmaston Manor
Ashbourne, Derby

2018789 Section 3
501 Field Coy R E
Sible Hedingham

132. Seamer Rd
Scarborough E. Yorks

[page break]

Had my first flight 18-12-41

Mrs G.A. Mayo
74. Hillside Rd, oxford.

Greenways W. E. Lane

Smith J E
Route 3
Box 232
Ga. U.S.A.

Miss Parker Corry

[page break]

Fellow who did not pass grading course are allowed extra time

402. E. King St
Box 96 Fla.

Mrs Luies [sic] Bellon
24 South Alachua St
Lake City
Box 954

[page break]



Cpl. Forman, T.E.
Section 3.
501 Field. Coy. R.E
c/o A.P.O. 2005

DVR. Stimpson A.H
T 10689609
18 [deleted] 2nd [indecipherable letters] [/deleted] M.A.C.
[deleted] RASE [deleted] 8th Army

[page break]


Headway 3005. 1909.
Peggy Dearlove
7 Dragon Terrace
Harrogate, Yorks.

William Berry
68 Blakenall Lane
Wolsall, Staffs

Sgt. Cooper P.F. 1477083
2 Sgt Mess
5. (P) A.F.U.

[page break]

[deleted] A [/deleted]

Betty Winter
St Mary's
Fallwood Park

Pete Cooper
4 Mcdonald Rd
Morecombe & Heasham

Terry Playford
2 Dunholme Green
London N.9.

Arthur Taylor
Sunny House
High St
Surry. [sic]

[page break]

1318676 R H Breffit
No 2, Sgts Mess
RAF Abbington

Cannonbury 2729.

c/o Mr. R. Thomas
Bryn-Hafod, Oswestry, Shrops
Mrs W. Nichol, 39 Boscombe Spa Rd

W. SMITH. 24 Fore St Seaton, Devon

Dutton 136, Arubella St, Rooth Pk, Cardiff.

44 Mount Grove Rd, Highbury, Lon

294, Beccles Rd, Oulton Rd., Lowestoft

[page break]


Cpl. T.E. Forman, 2018789.
501 Field Coy R E

Arms/Cpl Forman 329177 [deleted] O [/deleted] F.O
O.M. Staff H.Q. Coy
9th Batt. R.W,F.
c/o G.P.O. Sheringham

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[blank page]

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[blank page]

21-10-41. F. Photos' 2 (4)
22-10-41 M Photos' 2
23-10-41 4 Otis Photos' 1
23-10-41 F (5)
25-10-41 F (6)
26-10-41 Hett Photo 1
27-10-41 Hett [deleted] Ph [/deleted]
28-10 Ted Photo (1)
29-10 F. (7)
30-10. V Photos (2)
31-10. [indecipherable word] Photos (2)
31-10. M
4-11 F = (8)
8-11 Otis
9-11 F (9)
9-11 Aunty

[page break]

10-11 M. Flight
11-11 F ?(10)
15-11 Ted
15-11 F (11)
16-11 Mum
16-11 P. Archer & receipt
18-11 F (12)
19-11 O. P/C
[inserted] leave. [/inserted]
30-11 Mum
2-12 Vera
3-12 Aunty Mag.
3-12 Otis
3-12 Ted
4-12 Hett & Arthur
5-12 Mrs Roseway
6-12 Otis, tell more
9-12 Nellie

[page break]

16-12 Mum moving
17-12 Nellie/Perth
18-12 Otis
19-12 Mrs Rosemary Xmas
19-12 Aunty [indecipherable word] Xmas
19-12 Ted & Xmas
19-12 Otis Xmas [inserted] only [/inserted]
20-12 Vera & Xmas
20-12 Mr Gibson Xmas
20-12 Mr & Mrs May Xmas
20-12 Aunty Mary Xmas
20-12 Arthur Xmas
20-12 Mrs Crouther Xmas
21-12 Mum Xmas & letter
21-12 Floss. & Xmas
27-12 Mum (12 pages)
30-12 Aunty.

[page break]

30-12. I.D. Barron. Xmas Thurs
1-1 Hett & A.
2-1 Vera
4-1 Nellie
4-1 Otis
5-1 Ted
14-1 Mum Manchester
15-1 Ted
15-1 Otis
16-1 Mum
18-1 Vera
18-1 Hett & Arthur
20-1 Mum
21-1 Aunty & Uncle
23-1 Mum
25-1 Vera & T
25-1 Otis

[page break]

26-1 Nellie
27-1 Ted.
31-1 Mum
1-2 Mrs [indecipherable word][inserted] Monkton [/inserted]
18-2 Cable gran
14-2 Mum (1)
19-2 Airgraph Otis
22-2 Mum [inserted] by hand to Eng. [/inserted] (2)
28-2 Mum [inserted] Turner F [/inserted] (3)
7-3 Mum (4)
10-3 Ted (1)
15-3 Mum (5)
23-3 Mum (6)
24-3 Aunty & Uncle (1)
30-3 Mum (7)
7-4 Mum (8)
13-4 Mum [inserted] A/M [/inserted] (9)
[inserted] 21-2 Parcel Mum [/inserted]

[page break]

19-4 Mum A/M (10)
21-4 Gladys & G. A/M
26-4 Nellie (11)
28-4 Betty Camills
4-5 Nellie (12)
5-5 Airgraph Otis
10-5 Nellie (13)
12-5 Gladys & G (2)
15-5 Nellie (14)
17-5 Vera (1)
21-5 Aunty Amy (2)
25-5 Nellie (15)
29-5, Mum card Florida
3-6 Nellie [inserted] Mason [/inserted] (16)
7-6 Nellie [inserted] Mason [/inserted] (17)
9-6 G & Geoffrey (3)
9-6 Ted (2)

[page break]

12-6 Mrs Roseway.
14-6 Nellie (18)
19-6 Terry
21-6 Otis
21-6 Nellie (19)
27-6 Gladys 4.
28-6 Mum 20
29-6 Mr Gibson
2-7 Aunty Magg
5-7 Mother (21)
14-7 Vera & Tom
15-7 Mum (22)
19-7. Gladys & G
23-7 Mum (23)
23-7 Ron
24-7 Pan. ANNE [inserted] Johnson [/inserted]
26-7 Mum 24

[page break]

4-8 Mum (25)
7-8 Hett.
11-8 Mum (26)
14-8 Mrs Sinclair
14-8 Pete
16-8 Mum (27)
18-8 Gladys & G
23-8 Mrs Lester
23-8 Mum (28)
27-8. Pete
27-8 Aunty & Uncle
29-8 Ted airMail
29-8 Vera
30-8 Floss.
3-9 Mum (29)
6-9. Gladys

[page break]

7-9 Nellie (30)
14-9 Mum (31)
13-9 Jacksonville Mum, card
13-9 Jacksonville Hetty, card
13-9 Jacksonville Flossy, card
18-9 Koolak.
20-9 Otis
20-9 Mum (32)
20-9 Pete
28-9 Mum (33)
29-9 Terry
2-10 Aunty & Uncle
5-10 Mum (34)
6-10 Mr & Mrs Lester
15-10 Mum (Air graph)

[page break]

22-10 Mrs Lester [inserted] Photo [/inserted]
22-10 Mum. 35
10-11 Mum (Harr
11-11 Otis
16-11 Arthur A/G (leave) 1
22-11 – Mum (Harr)
23-11 Arthur A/G 2
23-11 Bob
25-11 Aunty
26-11 Hett
26-11 Otis
27-11 Nellie
27-11 Ted
28-11 Vera
29-11 Mrs Lester
30-11 Arthur A/G 3
1-12 Otis

[page break]

4-12. Aunty
6-12 Hetty.
7-12 Arthur A/G 4
7-12 Vera
9-12 Mum
12-12 Gladys
13-12 Otis
13-12 Ron
13-12. J.D Barron [inserted] Xmas thank [/inserted]
16-12 Mum [inserted] Leave [/inserted]
21-12 Mum
21-12 Otis. X. card
21-12 Hett. X.
21-12 Gladys X
21-12 Aunty X
21-12 Aunty Mag X
21-12 Flossy X
13-12 Sammie

[page break]

21-12 Mrs Roseway X
21-12 Mum X
22-12 Mrs R. letter
22-12 Gladys X letter
27-12 Mum
28-12 Sammie
4-1-43 Mum
6-1 Otis
5-1 Floss
10-1 Mum
10-1 Ted A/G
10-1 Arthur A/G
13-1 Vera
14-1 Aunty Sib.
17-1 Nellie
18-1 Floss
19-1 Peggy

[page break]

20-1 Otis
25-1 Otis
25-1 Pete
26-1 Terry
26-1 Mum
1-2 Aunty Amy
1-2 Flossie
5-2 Peggy
8-2 Mum
11-2 Betty
14-2 Arthur A/G
14-2 Ted A/G
14-2 Tommy A/G
20-2 Mum
20-2 Terry
24-2 Aunty Amy
8-3 Mum

[page break]

10-3. Otis
15-3 Peggy
15-3 Hetty
8-3 Arthur A/G
8-3 Ted A/G
27-3 Arthur & photo
27-3 Mum
30-3 Mum
1-4 Breffit
2-4 Flossie
5-4 Mr R
7-4 Mum
11-4 Vera
19-4 Mum
25-4 Otis
26-4 Peggy
27-4. Gladys

[page break]

28-4 Vera.
28-4 Roy
30-4 Hetty
3-5 Terry
3-5 Mother
8-5 Aunty
8-5 Peggy
14-5 Mother
16-5 Arthur
17-5 Helen
26-5 Nellie
26-5 Hiffen
26-5 Gladys
27-5 Otis
28-5 Peggy
28-5 Ted
28-5 Hetty

[page break]

30-5 Elvina.
1-6 Mum
16-6 Mum (Lind) . .
18-6. Arthur
20-6 Vera
21-6 T Fisher.
23-6 Horsie 1-1
24-6 W/O Hattin
25-6 Hetty
26-6 Mum
27-6 Otis (Help)
27-6 Aunty
28-6 Helen
4-7 Vera
4-7 Mum
5-7 Purser W/O
6-7 Vera

[page break]

30-5 Elvina.
1-6 Mum
16-1 Mum (Lind) . .
18-6. Arthur
20-6 Vera
21-6 T Fisher.
23-6 Horsie:
24-6 W/O Hattin
25-6 Hetty
26-6 Mum
27-6 Otis (Help)
27-6 Aunty
28-6 Helen
4-7 Vera
4-7 Mum
5-7 Purser W/O
6-7 Vera

[page break]

6-7. Peggy
7-7 Hetty
9-7 Gladys & G.
9-7 Mother
10-7 T. Fisher
14-7 Hattin
14-7 Vera
15-7 Mum
23 Mum
25 Mum
26-7 Floss
27-7 Peggy
2-8 Mother
5-8 Vera
10-8 Arthur
17-8 Mother
18-8 Peggy

18-8 Floss
18-8 Mother P/C
19-8 Fisher
19-8 Aunty
22-8 Mum
24-8 Hett Photo
26-8 Vera
29-8 Mum
29-8 Floss
1-9 Peggy
31-8 Mum
31-8 Mum
[inserted] 3-9 £12 [/inserted]
5-9 Vera
6-9 Mum
8-9 Mum
9-9 Vera
14-9 Mum [symbol]

[page break]

15-9 Aunty
15-9 Dorothy
15-9 Terry
16-9 Vera
18-9 Mum
27-9 Mum
27-9 Marian
29-9 Mum
2-10 Peggy
2-10 [indecipherable word]
3-00 [indecipherable word]
3-10 Mum
4-10 Hett
6-10 Mum
7-10 Marion
7-10 Gladys

8-10 Mum
9-10 Marion
13-10 Mum
14-10 Marion
16-10 Mum
16-10 Marion
21-10 Marion
19-10 Terry
19-10 Vera
21-10 Mum
29-10 Mum
24-10 Marion
9-11 Marion
10-11 Mum Card
11-11 Mum [inserted] cheque [/inserted] £33
11-11 Marion
9-11 Marion

[page break]

14-11 Vera.
15-11 Peggy
15-11 Marion
16-11 Mum
17-11 P/C Mum
18-11 Marion
22-11 Mum P/C
23-11 Mum P/C
24-11 Mum
25-11 Mum P/C
25-11 Marion
26-11 Mum P/C
27-11 Marion
28-11 Mum
28-11 Pete
29-11 Peggy
30-11 Vera

30-11 Marion
1-12 Mum P/C
3-12 Mum
14-12 Marion
15-12 Mum
15-12 Peggy
18-12 Marion
20-12 Marion
19-12 Mum
20-12 Mum [inserted] card [/inserted]
21-12 Mum
[inserted] Robinson [inserted]
21-12 Bob
21-12 Marion
21-12 Floss
21-12 Hilda
21-12 Aunty
21-12 Gladys

[page break]

21-12 Hetty
21-12 Mum
21-12 Vera
21-12 Marion
21-12 Aunty May
21-12 Dot
21-12 Peggy
21-12 Mrs Forman
25-12 Marion
23-12 Mum Card
25-12 Mum Letter
28-12 Mum Photo
29-12 Marion Photo
30-12 Marion
14-1 [deleted] 2 [/deleted] Ted
14-1 [deleted] 2 [/deleted] Arthur
14-1 [deleted] 2 [/deleted] Peggy

18-1 Terry
21-1 Marion
22-1 Mum
23-1 Marion
24-1 Mum
24-1 Gladys
25-1 Marion
26-1 [deleted] 1 [/deleted] Vera
27-1 Marion
29-1 Marion
30-1 Mum C
30-1 Photo C
3-2 Marion
4-2 Mum
5-2 Geoffrey
5-2 Mrs [indecipherable word]
6-2 Marion

[page break]

8-2 Mum
11-2 Marion
12-2 Mum
13-2 Aunty
15-2 Marion

[page break]

[book cover]


Maurice Stimpson, “Address Book,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 15, 2025,

Item Relations

This item has no relations.