Browse Items (3 total)

  • Tags: 640 Squadron
  • Type is exactly "Photograph"

Seven airmen including Bill forming the crew of a Halifax. Each man is identified in the caption underneath. Information supplied with the collection states 'Bill and Crew Leconfield 640 Sqn 1944-45, Pilot- Bill Gudrum-Middlesborough, BA - Arthur -…

Henry Sturrock's crew in two rows with bushes behind.
Henry Sturrock's crew and six ground crew in front of a Halifax. The pilot is holding a small dog.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

A vertical aerial photograph of Oostkapelle. Much detail is visible on the ground. It is captioned '2441 LCF 28-10-44//7" 4000 104 1149 Oostkapelle W19.Z. 1 HC 2000 In.7 ANM59DN. 4 MC 500DT. C24 secs. P/O Goodrum Z640'.
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