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ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 123-1.jpg
Alfredo Peli claims he helped, from 7 September 1943 to 1 September 1944, some Allied servicemen. He gave them food and clothes. For his efforts, he received a certificate of thankfulness (number 83270-18248).

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 146-1.jpg
Alina Franchi claims she helped some allied prisoners of war, from 5 September 1943 to 20 November 1943, in Felciana and Vacchirossoli areas, in the municipality of Montale (Pistoia). For her efforts, she received a certificate of thankfulness…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 065-1.jpg
Alipio Biagini claims he helped, from 8 September 1943 to 1 September 1944, six Allied servicemen providing their service numbers: 6013099, 3327632, 4385978, 4347178, 259775, 4691070.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 025-1.jpg
Alvaro Gori claims he helped, from 1 November 1943 to April 1944, two English escapees. They hid in a hut in the woods and Alvaro brought them food, clothes, cigarettes and pocket money.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 196-1.jpg
Amelia Moncini claims she helped five English prisoners of war who where living in Solitario Cappellini’s house.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 024-1.jpg
Amos Nesi claims he helped Sergeant Kirkwood (292858), Guardsman T Hall (2663672), Guardsman D Jarvis (266100), and Corporal R P Polhill (60198), from 1 July 1943 to 20 November 1943. They lived in his house for a few days, then they hid in the…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 044-1.jpg
Angiolina Michelozzi claims she helped, from September 1943 to the September 1944, some allied prisoners of war, bringing them food and clothes in the woods where they hid.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 184-1.jpg
Angiolina Nesi claims she helped thirteen English prisoners of war, from 10 September 1943 to 25 December 1943, giving them food, and clothes: R Cook (2620196), Guardsman C Simmons (2616361), W Howard (913574), J Jones (946866) and other nine…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 193-1.jpg
Angiolina Pratesi claims she hosted an English prisoner of war in her house for fifteen days, from 16 to 30 October 1943. Then, he was recaptured by fascist militiamen.

A P-38 crashes in flames near a canal which is bordered by vegetation. Four other aircraft are visible in the sky amongst bursts of anti-aircraft fire.

Label reads “121”; signed by the author; caption reads “13 LUGLIO 1944. Cacciabombardiere…

The ruins of buildings and industrial plants in Munich are silhouetted against a wall of flames and smoke. At the top of the frame, a portion of blue sky appears to be full of aircraft, some of them crashing in flames. Anti-aircraft batteries, a…

An exchange of salvos is taking place between three Regia Marina vessels and seven Royal Navy ships crossing a calm sea. Plumes of black smoke are billowing out of the funnels. Shell splashes are occurring around the Italian ships.

Label reads…

A fire is raging on the deck of the Espero. Explosions send large amounts of water shooting up into the sky. A second vessel, engulfed in flames and smoke, is visible in the background.

Label reads “8”; signed by the author; caption reads…

A Royal Navy vessel exchanges salvos with an enemy ship in the distance. Both are engulfed in flames and plumes of smoke. Shells are exploding in the water near both vessels.

Label reads “9”; signed by the author; caption reads “(3) … Ed…

The destroyer Espero is sinking rapidly in a rough sea. Its stern is raised high into the air, exposing the rudder and propeller, whilst the bow is already submerged. Flames and smoke are engulfing the bridge. A lifeboat with survivors is visible on…

The badly damaged operations room of destroyer Espero, with a gaping hole in the ship's side and pieces of machinery engulfed in smoke. Five men are visible in total, three officers dressed in white uniforms and two seamen in blue with red stripes…

Two life rafts are packed with survivors, some clothed others almost naked. The life raft in the foreground carries approximately nine men. Two others are being helped to climb on board. Two of the men appear seriously injured and one holds a pistol.…

The searchlight of a Royal Navy vessel casts a yellow beam onto a group of survivors. Some of them are swimming, others are on a raft. In the foreground, a life craft can be seen on the turret on the deck of another ship. A second Royal Navy vessel…

In a turbulent sea, a raft is capsizing, throwing all of the men into the sea. Some of the men are already in the water with hands raised in the air. Some are wearing life jackets.

Label reads “14”; signed by the author; caption reads “(8)…

An Italian seaplane flies over a life raft with six people on board. Two white pieces of cloth are flying from posts. A distress flare has been fired into the sky and is exploding. Two people are sitting, whilst four others are standing and waving,…

Two life rafts packed with survivors in distress meet in shark-infested waters. Several of the survivors are injured.

Label reads “16”; signed by the author; caption reads “(10) … al 3o giorno del 36 uomini raccolti, soltanto 14 rimanevano…

At the back of a raft, a man dressed in a blue uniform is saluting. One semi-clothed man, wearing a red life jacket around his neck, stands to his right watching other men carrying out a burial at sea. The dead man has blood on his chest. An Italian…

A raft has fourteen people on board. Some are wearing white caps and two are wearing red life jackets around their necks. Several of the occupants of the raft are injured. Sharks are circling the raft.

Label reads “18”; signed by the author;…

In the centre of the painting is a lifeboat in choppy seas with at least eight people on board. A shirt and some trousers are tied to the two masts of the lifeboat and are blowing in the wind. A man wearing a white uniform with a red emblem on his…

A submarine is surfacing near a life raft with six figures on board. On the life raft, there are two masts connected by a line. At one end of the line, a pair of trousers is hanging. Below the trousers is a figure standing up and waving both arms in…
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