Browse Items (126 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Oscar Verhoeven "

Vertical aerial photograph of Colombes, France. The image is largely clear, only a few lines of tracer are visible with street patterns and buildings clearly visible. Bottom left a large stadium is partly visible. Annotated on the image is a north…

Four man colour party with furled colour wearing tunics and metal helmets marching to the left. On the left a servicemen saluting. In the background a group of servicemen saluting and other groups watching. In the distant background two Wellingtons.…

In the foreground left a four man colour party weaning tunics and metal helmets. In the background right seated audience and to the left a hangar with a Polish Eagle painted on the door. On the reverse 'Parade to remember those who died'. Three…

Small boat with cross on front of bridge tied up alongside a wooden pier. Other docks and ship in the background. Submitted with caption 'mreu6 001 Luftwaffe Air Sea Rescue launch used by us to travel between Friesian Islands'.

Three buildings with pitched roofs and open colonnades. Rope fencing and painted blocks delicate between the roadway and grassed areas in front. Three uniformed men walk toward a hall outside of which is a parked van. On the reverse 'This shows the…

Reconnaissance photograph showing the canal running left to right with a destroyed river over canal bridge circles in the centre. Many bomb craters both sides of canal.

Two photographs, the first showing a track in a forest with a gate, captioned 'Frontier gate between Holland and Germany'.
The second shows a pontoon bridge across a river, very badly damaged buildings in the background, captioned 'Across the…

On the left a flight sergeant wearing tunic and side cap stands in front of a senior Polish officer with microphone. Two other officers attend. A photographer is kneeling taking a shot in centre and spectators in front of hangar in the background, On…

A flight sergeant kneels in front of General Sikorski. In the background and audience stands outside a hangar. On the reverse 'A flight sergeant receiving a commission from General Sikorski'. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with…

A large group of airmen wearing tunics and peaked caps sitting and standing in four rows in front of a building with columned veranda. On the reverse 'Grandads pilot school, grandad is 3rd from right, back row'. Three versions of same image, the…

A large group of airmen wearing tunics and peaked caps sitting and standing in four rows in front of a building with columned veranda. Two versions of the same image, the first has Polish language caption and some of the personnel are annotated with…

A large group of airmen wearing greatcoats and side caps standing in two lines on hardstanding. The upper part of an unidentified aircraft in the background. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img077' and the…

Four airmen, two in shirt sleeves, one wearing tunic and just the head visible of the fourth, three sitting/laying and one standing on grass airfield. In the distance hangars. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information…

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Four airmen wearing tunic or battledress each with medal and ribbon, and side caps standing in line with arms round each other. Airmen on left and right have Polish pilot's brevet.

A priest in front of a civilian congregation in a cemetery with white grave crosses. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img419'.

A priest in front of a group of servicemen in uniform in a cemetery with trees in the background. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img424'

Formation of servicemen standing on path in cemetery. In the distance a priest and other onlookers. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img425'.

Coffin on horse drawn cart escorted by servicemen with rifles on a city street. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img415'.

A group of senior officers standing including General Sikorski who is talking to a flight lieutenant. On the reverse 'General Sikorski (Commander of Polish Forces in Britain)'. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with caption 'Gen…

Two senior Polish officers in uniform standing by a table with piles of certificate tubes on it. A senior RAF officer stands behind them. In the background a large number of civilian onlookers and a hangar. On the reverse 'Certificates on table,…

A large group of Polish airmen sitting and standing on a bank. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img384'.

Two airmen, one wearing tunic the other shirtless are towing a cart surrounded buy other airmen. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img391'.

A group of airmen in uniform sitting and standing on grass. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img401'.

Group of airmen wearing greatcoats and side or peaked caps forming up for parade in front of a hangar. Two versions of the same image the second submitted with information ' img154'.

Eight pilots wearing flying suits and helmets two sitting the others standing in front of a single engine high wing aircraft (RWD-8). There is a hangar in the background and the ground is covered with snow. Four versions of the same image the second…
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