Jolliffe, Frank Sidney Walter


Jolliffe, Frank Sidney Walter
F S W Jolliffe


129 items. The collection concerns Wing Commander Frank Sidney Walter Jolliffe (b. 1923, 1314311 Royal Air Force) and contains his log books, documents and photographs. He flew operations as a bomb aimer with 149 Squadron.

The collection has been donated to the IBCC Digital Archive by Margaret Lowe and catalogued by Trevor Hardcastle.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Jolliffe, FSW

Collection Items

Frank's account of his ejection, survival and rescue
This is Frank's account of the events leading up to his ejection from Javelin XH836 and the subsequent time he spent in the jungle, before his rescue. These events occurred when he was a sqdn ldr nav/rad on No 60 Squadron based at Tengah, FEAF,…

Letter to Patti Turner from Frank
Letter written urging Patti to get well soon.

Letter of thanks to Frank
Frank is thanked for his part in preparing for a visit.

Letter to Patti Turner from her mother
Describes the events around the receiving of information about Frank's accident (he ejected from his Javelin in Singapore.)

Letter to Frank and Patti from her mother
Letter expresses relief that Frank is recovering after ejecting from a Javelin in Singapore. She wishes them every happiness and a merry christmas.

Birthday telegram to LAC Joliffe
A telegram and envelope adressed to Frank with birthday greetings from his mother.

Frank Jolliffe's flying log book. One
Flying log book for F S W Jolliffe, bombe aimer/navigator, covering the period from 11 December 1942 to 29 September 1952. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructor duties, Post war flying duties with 35 and 98 squadrons and RAE…

Frank Jolliffe's flying log book. Two
Navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers log book 3 for F S W Jolliffe, navigator, covering the period from 7 October 1952 to 30 November 1956. Detailing his flying training and flying duties with experimental flying department, central…

Frank Jolliffe's flying log book. Three
Aircrew flying log book 4, for F S W Jolliffe, navigator/radar, covering the period from 4 December 1956 to 20 July 1961. Detailing his flying duties with 46, 141, 41, 60 squadrons and headquarters number 11 group. He was stationed at RAF Odiham, RAF…

Frank Joliffe's flying log book. Four
Aircrew flying log book 5, for F S W Jolliffe, navigator/radar, covering the period from 8 September 1961 to 8 May 1983. Detailing his flying duties with 60 squadron, all weather fighter combat squadron and number 2 air navigation school. He was…

Travel agents flyer for the Schools National Music Festival in 1938
Flyer is published by Dean & Dawson Ltd Travel Organisers. There is also a flyer for the festival in the Albert Hall. Frank was a member of his school choir that took part in the festival.

Air Clues December 1956
Air Clues was the flight safety publication used by the RAF to publicise matters related to flight safety.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.

Programme for Portsmouth Schools Festival of Music 1938
Having taken part in the National Festival on 6 May 1938, Portsmouth schools held their own festival later that month in Portsmouth. Frank was in his school choir that took part in both.

Signal from Rescue Co-ordination Centre Singapore detailing Frank and his pilot's rescue
Frank was a navigator flying Javelins from Singapore. On 3 December 1962 he and his pilot ejected from their Javelin. This signal relates the rescue activities taking place while Frank was in the jungle.

Eastward, F.E.A.F. Flight Safety Review
January to March 1963, the front cover has drawings of the aircraft types flown in FEAF at this time.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.

Die Nachkriegszeit; Nach dem den Einmarsch des Allierten
Leaflet suggests how Germans can mitigate any difficulties of the post-war period through self-help to save their families and rebuild their homeland. Allowing ‘fanatics’ to blow up utilities would mean more suffering and greater difficulties in…

Three pages of Ocean News
Paper published on an American ship in September 1943.

Extract from 1938 Radio Times and newspaper cuttings
Two pages removed from the Radio Times covering 6 May 1938. A central box draws attention to The Schools Music Festival being broadcast that afternoon from the Royal Albert Hall. Newspaper cuttings record the same event and lists the names of the…

Jungle survival cartoons
Two hand drawn/painted cartoons of two individuals in jungle green uniforms.
In one, a man is climbing a tree while a snake threatens his colleague. Captioned 'Watch it! You're spilling the tea".
In the second two men are standing in the rain,…

Aircraft photographs
Five photographs, all in flight, first is of a B 26 Marauder, second is of a 419 Squadron Wellington Z1572, Q-VR, third is of a 35 Squadron Halifax. Fourth is of a 447th BG B-17G, fifth is of a Lancaster ED58?.

Bill Philpott, Capri
Two officers standing next to a bay with a beach and a steep hill in the background, the reverse is captioned 'Bill Philpott, Capri 1946.

Two photographs of Mosquitos, the first is of a row of parked aircraft, airfield background. The second is of Mosquito VA894 parked next to a single engined aircraft HB-ESU.

Frank Jolliffe
Upper torso image of Frank with medal ribbons.

Three pilots of 141 Squadron
They are posed standinding on the grass beside a sign for '141, F(AW) Squadron'.

Frank in Cyprus
Three photographs of a group near a fenced-off trigonometrical point marker. On the reverse of the second has 'John Sowery, Ken Howe, Robbie, Cyprus 19'
View all 129 items

Collection Tree

  • Jolliffe, Frank Sidney Walter