Letter from Peter Lamprey to W Gunton



Letter from Peter Lamprey to W Gunton


Peter Lamprey writes that he is back in civilisation at Inverness. But complains of wartime beer rationing. Ne states that he is applying for leave and concludes with some banter.




Temporal Coverage




Envelope and four page handwritten letter


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18 MAY

[postage stamp]

Mr. W. Gunton.
Machine Room.
Waterlow and Sons. Ltd.
Twyford Abbey Road.
Park Royal.
London. N.W.10.

[page break]

[reverse of envelope]

[RAF Crest]

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[RAF Crest]

Signals Section.
HQ. 14. Group.
[underlined] Inverness [/underlined]

[underlined] Sunday. 17th. May. [/underlined]

Dear UNK and Others.

Heaven forbid that I should ever sink so low as to neglect my friends. This letter is written in bitterness – sorrow and anguish. Where the bloody hell is a reply to some of my blasted letters?

You will notice – I hope – that I am once more back in the arms of civilisation. And oh boy – what arms. After more than a week of the usual dithering, we flew back yesterday. And what a trip. The kite did everything but lay eggs – we did that. But now we are safe

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and able to take nourishment the fun will commence – or to be truthful, has.

The parcels were safe and my usual thanks for them. Having perused “The Royal” I have come to the conclusion that my rise in rank is a greater achievement than I considered. Your help was, as usual, such that I rose despite it. You might return my contribution that I so willingly sent for Mr Hunts’ [sic] wreath. I see he is still alive – or at least moving. As undependable as ever. Lowering myself to reply to him, I thank him for his wishes and hope he breaks his as well. Where in hell he gets his ideas of a good time from is just no bodys’ [sic] business. Still, I shall have much pleasure in being as rude as possible when I visit.

The return to Inverness has brought us face to face with war at its grimmest form. Beer

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[RAF Crest]

[underlined] 3. [/underlined]

is rationed. The pubs only open five days a week and then – according to eyewitness accounts – the slaughter is terrible. For myself, I only had a few in celebration last night. I saw an old friend and although good looking she doesn’t live up to looks. A good time was had by all. The A.T.S. are wearing summer issue already.

Realising the pleasure I shall bring – I am applying for leave tomorrow. If I get it – you, as master of ceremonies, will of course be informed, and the bunting unfurled ready. I am putting in for 14 days but whether they will stand me or not I dont [sic] know yet. Still we’ll have a bash.

I don’t like to insult Brother George in this letter as he may have already written me a

[page break]

letter apologising. Seeing that the war is doing so well here and there, I take it that no other minders have joined anything but their hands. We might consider a bit of help later on but, at the present moment, you can all lie back and act as a brake – your finest position. I have left things in good hands in the island and can now look forward to a spell of working my way back into the gutter. The tale of my progress in this direction will be unfolded later, as if you think I am going to lie here writing when there are a number of things to be done and the boys are waiting – youve [sic] had it.

[underlined] Pete [/underlined] .



Peter Lamprey, “Letter from Peter Lamprey to W Gunton,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 6, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/6596.

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