Letter from John Mansell to his parents



Letter from John Mansell to his parents


John has received two letters from his parents and three letters from others. One sentence has been blacked out by the censor. He has had a couple of parcels.
There is a second copy.




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Two handwritten sheets


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SMansellEJ132971v10031, SMansellEJ132971v10033


March 25TH
My dear Mum and Dad, At last today I received two your [sic] letters dated 15TH and 30TH of January, I have also heard from Sheila, Pam, and Mrs Bolsover and Towsev. – I was very glad to hear you had a good time in London, I was thinking perhaps you had met Sheila as she said she had written to you. The Spanish papers arrived OK, & also I have met James Bell we had quite a chat about the old ‘home-town’ together. I hope by now you have received some more of my mail, your mail to me takes about eight weeks and even longer [one sentence censored] I have not yet received any other parcels except my uniform and five cigarette ones, but I have had some science and german [sic] books & my ‘Omar’ & ‘Light of Asia’. I should be almost prepared for my examination when it comes along, - anyway I am working hard. I agree with Ludovici’s remark about Dad’s appearence [sic]! I am hoping to hear from him soon. By the way this is an authorisation for you to control my financial interests in any way you thin [sic] fit. Deposit acct. etc. – Savvy? Many happy returns of the day, Dad. Love to both of you, John.



John Mansell, “Letter from John Mansell to his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 17, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/49284.

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