Mansell, Edgar John


Mansell, Edgar John
Mansell, E J


113 items. The collection concerns (b. 1922, 132971 Royal Air Force) and contains documents, photographs and correspondence. He flew operations as a bomb aimer with 75 Squadron and became a prisoner of war.

The collection was loaned to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Richard Bois Mansell and catalogued by Barry Hunter.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Mansell, E J

Collection Items

John Mansell
A head and shoulders portrait of John wearing a trainees cap.

Postcard with notes
Notes written on the back of a postcard. Reference is made to the weather(rain), England winning the test and Germany not to intervene in Spain.

German Volkssturm Wehrmacht armband
An armband for the military group.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

John Mansell
Three head and shoulders portraits of John. In the first two he is in uniform but in the third he is dressed as a civilian.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Squadron photograph
A very large group of men arranged at the front and on top of a Lancaster.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Squadron photograph
A large group of men arranged under and on top of a Stirling bomber. A dog is front central.

Ferry plane hit hill
Three newspaper cuttings relating to a ferry plane crash. The individuals involved are named and the third article contains obituaries of the deceased.

Dangers Not Over/Syria for Syrians
A newspaper cutting reporting Winston Churchill on two wartime related issues. The first is about the continued threat from U-boats and the second an explanation about Britain's role in Syria.

Prisoner in Germany
The newspaper cutting reports that John Mansell is a prisoner of war.

Minehead POW
A newspaper cutting reporting that John Mansell is now recorded as a prisoner of war.

The Astronomical Clock
A memorial to fallen airmen 1939-1945.

This item is available only at the University of Lincoln.

West Camp dance
An invitation to a dance issued to Miss Jankauskiene and escort.

Quittung (Receipt)
A receipt issued to John Mansell on his captivity. It records his possessions.

Notice to Recruit to Rejoin for service
RAF Form 1376 sent to John Mansell.

Postponement of calling up for service
RAF Form 2150 postponing John's calling up.

Telegram to John Mansell
John is instructed to return to unit immediately.

Letter from John Mansell to his parents and Joy
John writes from Stalag 3A on VE day. He is not sure when he will get home. He is very excited and has lots of plans.

Telegram to John Mansell's father
The telegram advises that John is missing.

A month with the Russians
A newspaper article about John's return from captivity.

Newspaper cuttings about prisoner of war camps
Two newspaper cuttings.
#1 is titled 'Huns move RAF POW camp'. The move was to transfer POWs away from Russian operations.
#2 refers to the transfer of RAF men westwards for release. A handwritten note states 'E. Standard 17/5/45'.

John Mansell's prisoner of war notes
A book kept by John during his internment as a POW. It has a comment made by Churchill when he was a POW, a poem to Bomber Command by Noel Coward, signatures of fellow POWs, notes on his early days as a POW, rations (not always received) and a list…

The King's Speech, May 8th 1945
The King's speech on May 8th 1945, VE day.

Churchill's Speech
Churchill's speech announcing the end of the Second World War.

Memo to Russian Commandant for Repatriation, Stalag IIIA
A formal record of statements made at their conference, the previous evening. POWs are being denied their freedom, food is inadequate and overcrowding is an issue. The Russians have refused to allow the evacuation of British and American POWs.
As a…

Concentration Camp Survivors at Stalag 3A name 30 German war criminals
A detailed description of atrocities committed by the Germans.
View all 113 items

Collection Tree

  • Mansell, Edgar John