Letter from Jack Darby to Jean



Letter from Jack Darby to Jean


He has received forwarded letters from Jean and he comments on them. He's not been flying much because of the weather. He discusses demobbing after the war ends.




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Three double sided handwritten sheets and envelope


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[postage stamp] [postmark]

[inserted] 23-9-44 [/inserted]

Miss J. Welland,
7 Queens Drive
[indecipherable word]

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F/o. C. Darby 154676



My darling Jean,

Was so glad to receive your letter of the nineteenth, I had three from you, two forwarded from Scampton, one of them must have been lost at Teddington for some time, it was dated 19th, July and of course addressed to Hayford, it was posted at Teddington on 5th September so someone must have boobed. It makes very interesting reading compared with your last letter, it is very friendly

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and gives no hint of your real feelings for me, I’ll think I’ll keep it as a souvenir.

So you’ve been doing your own cooking, well a little practice is better than none at all. I suppose you’ve got your two cooking diplomas down and dusted them, shall have to sample some of your cooking or perhaps it’s not a good idea. I might wan’t to change my mind!

Am pleased to hear you had a nice weekend, its a funny thing Jack Hart was talking about [indecipherable name] Macdonalds place the other [deleted letter] day, apparently theyve been there several

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times, hes had rather bad news at home, Win has fallen downstairs and broken her arm, its been put in plaster which is most awkward for her. Am glad to say Jack and the rest of the boys are O.K. We’ve not done much flying, only 1 1/4 hours, one trip in four days, the weather has been appalling, the day we flew visibility was about 1,000 yards and we had a job to get down, its no fun floating about in such weather with large number of aircraft about

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if you hit anything you’ve had it.

Have just been reading the Governments demob plan, according to the table my group is 28, but some gen has come through that aircrew are’nt included as we rank as specialised [deleted] personal [/deleted] personnel, this has’nt been confirmed and I would’nt pay much attention to the papers, the general opinion here seems to be that all crews not on operations when the war here finishes will be taking a trip overseas. This is between you and I so don’t mention it at home, anyway its all undecided at the moment.

Mother seems to like my coloured photo, am glad it turned out O.K.

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I think its a good idea you having yours taken, mind the camera I should’nt like you paying for damaged equipment.

So the blister is O.K, well thats fine, hope it keeps that way, I’ve a lot of time to make up, and as for sisterly kisses dont worry you won’t have time for those, darling I wish I could kiss you now, I get excited everytime I think of it, shall be getting blood pressure soon, young woman, you don’t realise what you are doing to me.

Well, must press on, I’ve a letter to write to Mother & Dad, also

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Aunt Lill has written.

Cheerio for the time being, please remember me to Mother & Dad.

Take care of yourself darling, I’m longing to see you.

Yours Jack


Jack Darby, “Letter from Jack Darby to Jean,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 17, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/40086.

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