Letter to Katryn Reid from Ford Killen



Letter to Katryn Reid from Ford Killen


Writes that he had just received letter from her. Mentions a record and newspapers he sent. Writes about his new girlfriend. Describes book he was writing about a B-17 pilot. Comments a little about his compatriots on base.




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Two-page typewritten letter


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Mitchel Air Force Base

Tuesday Feb. 10, 1948

P.S. Please forgive the typing. I didn’t proof-read letter.

Darling, Darling, Darling:

I write to you yesterday, saying that I haven’t heard from you in some time, and then today, as if in answer to that epistle, I receive a letter from you today, and you answer one of my questions -- have you received my record yet.

[deleted] [indecipherable word] [/deleted] Right here and now, please let me reiterate, that the record has flaws and the worst one is my nervous voice …. I’ [sic] was shaking ….. exposing all my love to you to an audience -- something that shouldn’t affect you -- as you face an audience nearly every night ….. Baby, how do you do it -- I'd take one look at all those people out there, get a good case of the jitters, and flee behind the props, maybe peep around to see if it were all a nightmare and if the audience had disappeared.

I’m so glad you received the newspapers. I’m also glad you liked them, but I can’t see why you should be a little jealous -- but it does make me feel a bit like I am wanted …. remember the song …. “I still get jealous ‘cause it pleases you ….”

Now let us talk about Rose Demery -- Sgt. Rose Demery ….. she is some gal --- if one can call her a gal …. about the nicest person on the base ….. I suppose she reminds me so much of you is why I like her company …. (which could never take the place of the real thing.) But she is like you in this respect -- she won’t say anything about anybody, before she [deleted] has [/deleted] would say something detrimental …. she is kind (like you), sweet (like you) generous (like you) she doesn’t talk so much (NOT like you, but I love you for it so as far as I am concerned, you can put the magpies to shame …. she loves music (like you) she is interested in the arts (like you) and she looks on me as her favorite [sic] child … or a younger brother ….. She is a person whom I can go out with and have a good time, but still know that I can be perfectly true to you, because frankly, she is the kind of a person you want to protect and would knock hell out of anybody who tried to molest her ….. In other words she is a grand girl ……. I certainly want you to meet her. I know you will like her and that she will like you ….. because she has given me a lot of advice, and warned me about things I should and shoulsn’t [sic] do …. she isn’t the type though (Like several other WACs I mentioned) who would volunteer advice unless first asked to do so …..

I don’t want you to be woamnly [sic] …. a woman of the world …. or femme fatale …. I want you to be my own fresh, adorable, wide-eyed, half-pint Cathie ……

How I would love to see you emote as George Sands …. if they based the play on the movie, you certainly have a role you can sink your teeth into …. Bitter hatred, wanton tyranny …. Merle Oberon, whom I contend is a cheap imitation of you …. as far as looks go -- did a terrific job in the movie ….. I should know I’ve seen it about eight (exaggeration) times. Does the guy who plays Chopin do his own piano playing …. or is the instrument placed off-stage where the audience cannot see him. I like realism.

I’ve been working on my book …. I worked yesterday afternoon, and although I didn’t get too much written, I certainly enjoyed the work …. because this scene was laid in the Hotel Edmonton (there is no such hotel -- I hope) in London, where the man who gives the name to the book “No Place in the Sun” goes berserk, and runs wildly through the streets of West End without hat, coat or tie in the London January weather ….. which, if I remember correctly is nearly as bad as long Island weather. I used to think that England had the worst weather in the world and that she put out the worst movies in the world ….. I’ve changed my mind about the movies. Now I think she puts out about the best in the world and Long Island has it all over England as far as lousy weather [deleted] in [/deleted] is concerned ……. I used to think G. B. had the worst cooks too ….. that one you’ll have to prove false --- to me at least.

[inserted] [underlined] 16 [/underlined] 9 [/inserted]

Getting back to my story: Brick, the leading character, a pilot of a B-17, American he is -- cracks up, just as Churchill is giving his memorable address …. just as the war is over ….. (I’m writing the last chapter now) the first has yet to come … Brick, who has so become obsessed with the idea that he is going to die, that it is his destiny, has flown his required number of missions over Germany, and while waiting for a shipment back to American, takes his last leave to London …. where he is met by his newspaperman friend …… That is when he goes berserk, just as the radios wring out the glad tidings …..

His friend chases after him and finally after 8 hours corners him in his room

[page break]

where he has returned after his mad flight through the streets, evading military police a and [sic] London police. Right now, the mad lieutenant has pulled a German Luger on his best friend and ordered him into the room where he swears he is going to kill him …. I haven’t completed any more from that point, but I do know that the Lts girl-friend has yet to die …. she will be killed by her sweethearts gun, after which he is to fling himself from the 7th floor of the hotel, after he realizes what he has done … [missing word] will be chased through the hotel, with the bobbies in hot pursuit ….. he’ll crash through the skylight and hurtle to the hard cement pavement below ……

He will live for a short while after he has become mortally wounded …… and as he knows his breath is leaving him, he will know that at last ….. at long last he has found “his place in the sun!”

Sounds sort of morbid …. doesn't it? But the poor hero will have happier times before he reaches his doom. I have recreated interest in my story and I hope to spend a lot of evenings in the next months writing and doing research …. wish you were here to help me with a llt [sic] of the minute details ….. But I can use substitutes now and you can let me know later and make any corrections ….. I may have daisies blloming [sic] in England in Mid-December and iris in May ….. and that part I don’t know … but with one like you -- who recognizes nature and [deleted] is [/deleted] are a close observor, [sic] will know if I am right with my daffodils and marigolds ……. See, Darling I only want you for purely [deleted] [indecipherable word] [/deleted] mercenary reasons ……….

Honestly, there are very few Pvts. and Cpls. at all on this base WAC -- or GIs; most of them are Sgts. The Air Force is rank-heavy …. too much brass …. [deleted] [indecipherable word] [/deleted] you see, any officer can reenlist in the Air Force as a master sergeant; and so far about 24,000 have returned, which makes it rough for the poor young kid who enlists as a private -- he remains a private …. while ex-officers get all the rank and the pay.

By now I hope you have played that record I sent you and perhaps you have made one to send to me in reply to it ….. I hope, because I’ll be looking for it; but I don’t think I’ll wait until I receive yours before I make another …. so that the interval will not be so long ….. I though [sic] I sent the record first class be- before [sic] …. and it should have been there in several days, but apparently I didn’t send it 1st cl. Have to next time ….. I don’t understand these postoffice [sic] rules and regulations …. one day I pay one price for a stamp; the next day I pay another … But if it worries me, what must it do to [deleted] [indecipherable word] [/deleted] the poor postal employees.

I hope the people who see your plays are appreciating you …. I know I would if only I [deleted] [indecipherable word] [/deleted] could be there to witness one of your dramas ….. I prefer drama over comedy ….. Still say Command Decision was the best play I’ve ever seen. I wish to see it again …….. But anything with you in it would be [deleted] [indecipherable word] [/deleted] okay.

In the Beacon poll which I conducted among some 4000 civilians [deleted] as [/deleted] and military personnel here, Princess Elizabeth was named the Woman of the Year ….. Associated Press also picked the Princess as their choice ….. Sec. State Marshall was named the Man of the Year ….. “Near You” the song, Bing Crosby, the singer, I’ll send you the results ……

Darling it is again getting near chow time …… and I’ll be signing off …. but please, please, let me hear from you soon ….. and get that recording overhere [sic] .. I’ll get busy on a script for another record …… it will take me a week, for script writing, rehearshal [sic] …. and final “cutting” …… but I’ll have another on its way soon … by a faster mode of travel ………

Darling Cathie, I love you, love you, love you ………





F Killen, “Letter to Katryn Reid from Ford Killen,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 4, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/39680.

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