Letter from Kenneth Gill to his parents
Letter from Kenneth Gill to his parents
Writes of journey back to camp. Mentions it was good that they were back in France and that they had not been called upon for action. Writes of radio being on constantly for communiques and hopes that this was the beginning of the end of the war. Makes some comments on invasion forces.
Temporal Coverage
Two page handwritten letter
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[Royal Air Force badge]
June. 7th/44.
Dear mum & dad.
Hello again, hope you're all keeping well and David has stopped thinking about poor N*****.
I arrived back alright, leaving Leeds at the unholy hour of 7.50 a.m. and arriving here at 11.30 a.m. The train didn't stop at Newark so I hitched back from Grantham; I didn't mind really the ride was quite enjoyable and I heard the news a bit sooner.
It certainly is great to think that we're in France again, it looks like we'll smash them this time alright. So far we've not been called upon for action but if we are there'll be a fight for aircraft, the boys are just rarin' to go, every one of them.
[page break]
I think the radio will be burning it's valves out it’s on nearly all day so that we don't miss any little bit of news; when the communiques come through the anteroom is as silent as a grave, everybody listening intently to hear the progress of the lads over there.
Let's hope this is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending of the last World War; if we could all have that assurance then no sacrifice would be too great.
Our lads coming back on Tuesday morning said you could literally walk across the channel on landing craft, it must have been a very impressive sight I'd like to go and see for myself.
Well I havn't [sic] any news for you this time so I'll close. I really did enjoy my leave mum & dad thanks to you both.
Goodnight and God Bless You,
Your Loving Son
Ken. [kisses] David [kisses]
June. 7th/44.
Dear mum & dad.
Hello again, hope you're all keeping well and David has stopped thinking about poor N*****.
I arrived back alright, leaving Leeds at the unholy hour of 7.50 a.m. and arriving here at 11.30 a.m. The train didn't stop at Newark so I hitched back from Grantham; I didn't mind really the ride was quite enjoyable and I heard the news a bit sooner.
It certainly is great to think that we're in France again, it looks like we'll smash them this time alright. So far we've not been called upon for action but if we are there'll be a fight for aircraft, the boys are just rarin' to go, every one of them.
[page break]
I think the radio will be burning it's valves out it’s on nearly all day so that we don't miss any little bit of news; when the communiques come through the anteroom is as silent as a grave, everybody listening intently to hear the progress of the lads over there.
Let's hope this is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending of the last World War; if we could all have that assurance then no sacrifice would be too great.
Our lads coming back on Tuesday morning said you could literally walk across the channel on landing craft, it must have been a very impressive sight I'd like to go and see for myself.
Well I havn't [sic] any news for you this time so I'll close. I really did enjoy my leave mum & dad thanks to you both.
Goodnight and God Bless You,
Your Loving Son
Ken. [kisses] David [kisses]
K Gill, “Letter from Kenneth Gill to his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 14, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/35707.
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