Movement Instructions for Vehicles in Convoy



Movement Instructions for Vehicles in Convoy


Instructions for a convoy of four sections of 30 vehicles and a fifth with the remaining vehicles. It details the route and where stops will be made.
There is a second copy.




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One typewritten sheet


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MMcDermottC1119618-161216-14, MMcDermottC1119618-161216-13


[inserted] F/LT. McDermott. [/inserted]
[underlined] SCHEDULED TO DEPART ON 28th APRIL 1945. [/underlined]
Convoy will move in four sections of 30 vehicles, and one further section containing all the remaining vehicles.
2. Vehicles will be numbered BLC/071, and underneath the section number, namely I, 2, 3, or 5, followed by an oblique stroke and the vehicle number of that section, such as 1/10, which would be the tenth vehicle in number one section.
3. Vehicles will finally assemble fully loaded, with all personnel aboard, not later than 05.30 hrs. Place of assembly – Evere taxi track. Convoy Commanders will be issued with nominal rolls of their vehicles, and personnel. They will also be issued with route maps. Drivers will be issued with route cards which form the enclosure to this order,
4. Section I will move off at 06.00 hrs., Section II at 06.30 hrs., Section III at 07.00 hrs., Section IV at 07.30 hrs. and Section V at 08.00 hrs.
5. The route to be followed is as under:-
Route 230 to Malines; Iderre – Gheel – Cross Roads K3484 – route 355 to Eindhoven – route 220 to Helmont – onwards to Beek – Handel – Gennep. E.T.A. 14.30 hrs.. One hour’s long halt to be taken before Gennep.
On to Bergen – Goch – Calcar and Rees. E.T.A. 16.30 (Rhine crossed here). Route 250 to Haldern – Hanningkelen, 135 miles. Bivouac the night in the vicinity of Hanningkelen. Section Commanders to arrange bivoucking [sic] details, and posting of necessary armed guards.
Depart on 29.4.45 same times as the day before, namely, first section take off 06.00 hrs., and thereafter at half-hourly intervals.
Route Borken – Gescher – Osterwick – Altenberge – Greken – Lengerich.
The O.C. Convoy is to detail a Despatch Rider to leave at 06.00 hrs. 29th April to proceed as fast as possible to Lengerich. He is then to explore the route Lengerich – Tecklenberg – Westerkapelen – Sceste – Achmer Airfield. He is then to return to Lengerich and wait for each section of the convoy. Is [sic] the route is passable he will direct each section leader to take this road. If the route should prove impassable he will direct each section leader to proceed to Osnabruck, where enquiry for continuing the route is to be made from the Traffic Control. E.T.A. at Achmer 14.30 hrs. Approx. total distance 260 miles. Speed 25 miles in two hours, observing routine instructions for convoys, namely, 20 minutes rest every two hours. Density 40 vehicles to the mile, i.e., 44 yards apart.
6. A Despatch Rider will be detailed to proceed with each section of the convoy.
7. Rations of r48-hours plus will be issued to each section, and will be in charge of the Section Commander.
Group Captain, Commanding,
No. 139 Wing.
[underlined] DISTRIBUTION. [/underlined]
Commanding Officer,
Os.C.Nos. 98, 180, 320 Sqdns.
Os.C.Nos. 6098, 6180, 6320 S.E.s,
W/Cdr. Flying,
Wing Armament Officer,
Snr. Int. Officer
Sqdn. Traffic Officers
W/Cdr. Admin.
Copy for each vehicle driver (180)
copy: Headquarters No. 2 Group.
Form 540 (3 copies)
[page break]
[duplicate page]



139 Wing, “Movement Instructions for Vehicles in Convoy,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 13, 2025,

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