Officers advanced training school - personnel training



Officers advanced training school - personnel training


Covers the RAF education and vocational training (EVT) scheme, the compulsory nature of E.V.T, application to individuals, types of training: resettlement training, elementary educational training, secondary educational training, higher education training, vocations training. Responsibility for E.V.T. conditions of service for E.V.T instructors, qualification for E.V.T instructors, vocational advice service, documentation, maintenance and continuity, accommodation and equipment. books and stationary, duties of education officer, external education facilities, instruction in current affairs, station refence library, recreation library, central library, training films and questions.



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Six page typewritten document

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[date stamp of No. 1 Officers Advanced Training School JUL 1945]
References:- Kings Regulations.
A.P. 1983
A.P. 1972
[underlined] R.A.F. Educational and Vocational Training Scheme. [/underlined] (AMO. A.434/45)
1. The objects of the E.V.T. scheme may be stated as follows:-
(a) To assist in maintaining morale until general demobilisation
(b) To satisfy the desire of the individual for training which will be useful on return to civil life.
(c) To assist in the national task of returning millions of men and women to civilian life.
It should be realised that the scheme is merely one measure to attain the above objects and care should be taken not to be too optimistic about the results. E.V.T. is a step in the right direction, but the major part of training for particular occupations will be undertaken after release under the direction of the Ministry of Labour.
2. The scheme is administered through Commands and Groups, but it can succeed only with the full co-operation of commanding officers for there are problems in the organisation of local facilities. Equally the active interest of all rank is demanded, whether as instructors or pupils, in order to maintain a s [sic] stem which is based on self help. The scope of the scheme will vary in different commands and situations according to local resources and current service commitments.
[underlined] Compulsory Nature of E.V.T. [/underlined]
3. One hour a week of resettlement training is compulsory for all non-permanent personnel and for regulars who intend to leave the service in the near future. Participation in educational or vocational training is voluntary, but once a course has been started it must be continued. The aim is to allocate a total of six hours of service time per week to the scheme.
[underlined] Application to Individuals [/underlined]
4. E.V.T. does not apply to regular personnel who intend to remain in the service after the war, but it is available for Dominion and Allied personnel. Participation in the scheme either as instructor or pupil will not affect release from the service.
[underlined] Types of Training [/underlined]
5. The following types of training are provided:-
(a) Resettlement
(b) Educational – elementary, secondary and higher
(c) Vocational
[underlined] Resettlement Training [underlined]
6. Designed to give men an understanding of current problems in preparation for citizenship and to teach them to use their leisure to advantage. Instruction takes the form of discussion groups, lectures, films, broadcasts, classes in arts and crafts. Air Ministry will issue a syllabus, but stations can exercise a measure of discretion.
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[underlined] Elementary Educational Training [/underlined]
7. Designed to bring education up to the standard of the R.A.F. War Educational Certificate. (A.M.O. A.434/45 App. A). The examination for this certificate demands a pass in any three of he [sic] subjects – English, Mathematics, Current Affairs, and Housewifery, and there are other additional but optional subjects. Instruction is mainly in the form of classes.
[underlined] Secondary Educational Training [/underlined]
8. Designed to bring education up to the standard of the Forces Preliminary Examination, success in which is accepted by universities and certain professional bodies as proof of the necessary standard of general education to embark upon a professional training although complete exemption from an entrance examination may not always be granted. It follows that the Forces Preliminary is approximately equivalent to a matriculation examination. (A.M.O. A.434/45 App. B). Instruction is in the form of classes or study under the supervision of qualified educational teachers.
[underlined] Higher Educational Training [/underlined]
9. Designed to satisfy those who have attained matriculation standard but wish to begin or continue education on a higher level. There are few cases in which classes are possible and training generally takes the form of supervised study or correspondence courses.
[underlined] Vocational Training [/underlined]
10. Non-professional vocational training includes instruction for those who already have some experience of a civilian trade, for those who wish to modify service training for use in civilian life and for those who wish to prepare themselves for further training after release. Those who already have experience of one trade will not be allowed to train for another unless for approved reasons – they cannot return to their former occupation. Those who wish to train for a trade which is completely new to them can do so only in those trades covered by the Ministry of Labour training scheme or in which employment prospects are good.
11. Air Ministry from time to time issue lists of trades for which training may be given to inexperienced men. Courses and syllabuses are laid down after consultations with the Government departments concerned. Trade union rules will not be modified in favour of those who have merely undertaken E.V.T. in the services.
12. Station workshops and other local resources must be used for instruction and mobile demonstration vans are available where necessary. Large stations have resident specialist instructors but much of the work is done by visiting instructors.
[underlined] Responsibility for E.V.T. [/underlined]
13. At command and group headquarters, the senior education officer is normally responsible for E.V.T. On stations the C.O. is responsible and the education officer is normally appointed as E.V.T. officer. An E.V.T. committee must be formed under the chairmanship of a senior officer and including all those concerned, such as the education officer and officers of the technical services on the station.
[underlined] Conditions of Service for E.V.T. Instructors [/underlined] (A.M.Os. A.120/45 and A.420/45)
14. Instructors are provided by volunteers from serving personnel subject to the following conditions:-
(a) Personnel employed as instructors will not receive less pay generally than at present, and their incorporation in the scheme will not affect release from the service.
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[underlined] Conditions of Service for E.V.T. Instructors [/underlined] (contd)
14. (b) Officers of any branch eligible, but not normally accepted if above the substantive or temporary rank of F.L. Substantive or temporary rank will be retained and instructors will be eligible for the acting rank of F.L. during employment. All will remain in their present branch.
(c) Airmen and airwomen of any rank or trade may be employed and will be eligible for the acting rank of Sergeant or Flight Sergeant in the ratio of three Sergeants to one Flight Sergeant.
Acting rank of present trade will be relinquished but temporary rank will be retained, and if personnel are eligible for time promotion to temporary rank in their present trade they will not be remustered.
(i) Educational instructors paid at rates of present trade group.
(ii) Other instructors paid as Flight Sergeant or Sergeant in the trade group corresponding to the civilian occupation in which they are instructing, but they may retain the pay of temporary rank in normal trade if more favourable.
Civilian and part time service instructors may eventually be incorporated in the scheme.
[underlined] Qualifications for E.V.T. Instructors (A.M.O. A.120/45, A.420/45) [/underlined]
15. Candidates are still required and must possess the following qualifications:-
(a) Educational instructors – minimum of School Certificate with three credits.
(b) Vocational instructors for professional and semi-professional occupations – the usual qualifications of those occupations.
(c) Vocational instructors for non-professional occupations – practical experience, experience as civilian instructor or recognised certificate of training.
Schools have been set up in commands to train and grade educational instructors.
[underlined] Vocational Advice Service (A.M.O. A.308/45) [/underlined]
16. The vocational Advice Service is designed to perform the following duties:-
(a) Giving advice and information on the nature of various civilian occupations.
(b) Assessing the occupational aptitude of applicants
(c) Assisting E.V.T. staffs to decide on the course of training for an individual.
17. Personnel are to apply for advice to the station E.V.T. staff who may pass them on to the V.A.S. whose advisors either visit stations or maintain offices in various districts.
18. V.A.S. officers are employed under the same conditions as E.V.T. instructors.
[underlined] Documentation (A.M.O. A.466/45) [/underlined]
19. In order to co-ordinate the training and provide trainees with appropriate records and certificates, strict documentation must be maintained by E.V.T. staffs
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[underlined] Maintenance of continuity [/underlined]
20. All new arrivals at a station must report to the Education Officer in accordance with A.M.O. A.268/42.
[underlined] Accommodation and Equipment [/underlined]
21. In general, existing accommodation must be used though modifications can be made by Works services. Scales of barrack equipment and training equipment for E.V.T. purposes are being laid down by Air Ministry.
Radio sets on the scale of one per station are being provided, and arrangements have been made with the B.B.C. for educational broadcasts to fit into the E.V.T. scheme.
[underlined] Books and Stationery [/underlined]
22. The Book Distribution Centre (E.V.T.) has been set up at Innsworth to supply reference and text books for the various courses. Provision has also been made for supplies of stationery.
[underlined] General Education Scheme [/underlined]
23. The General Education Scheme will remain in operation for the benefit of regular personnel who are not eligible for E.V.T.
[underlined] Duties of Education Officer (A.M.O. A.809/40) [/underlined]
24. Responsible to the C.O. for:-
(a) Instruction in technical service subjects.
(b) Instruction in general and vocational subjects to occupy leisure time.
(c) Assistance to airmen wishing to continue a professional education.
[underlined] External Educational Facilities [/underlined]
25. (a) Education Officers should make arrangements with local schools for evening classes under the scheme administered by Central Advisory Council for Adult Education in H.M. Forces. Use of Service transport with Command approval. (K.R. 446).
(b) A large variety of correspondence courses in general subjects is available to personnel not able to receive local instruction. (A.P. 1983). Fee of 10s. payable. Postal courses not included in this scheme may be undertaken with financial aid from the Service.
(c) A number of educational authorities allow members of H.M. Forces to sit their examinations under special conditions. London Matriculation may be held on stations. Leave may be granted up to 28 days for sitting examinations. (A.M.O. A.257/43).
(d) Financial aid up to £3 per airman per year for educational purposes. (A.M.O. 3/43).
[underlined] Instruction in Current Affairs [/underlined]
26. (a) Lecturers in current affairs may be obtained from regional committees of Central Advisory Council. (A.M.Os. A.871/41, A.290/42, A.787/42.)
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[underlined] Instruction in Current Affairs [/underlined] (Contd)
26. (b) Discussion groups are now compulsory during working hours (A.M.O. A.1115/43).
[underlined] Station Reference Library [/underlined]
27. Consists of non-fiction books supplied through Education Service. Funds allotted to Commands by Air Ministry on the basis of 1s. per head of establishment per year. (K.Rs. 3379 and 3380).
[underlined] Recreation Library [/underlined]
28. Funds supplied through P.S.I.
(a) Subscriptions at the rate of 4d. per month or 1d. per book. (K.R. 881)
(b) Grant from public funds at the following rates:-
For first 1,000 airmen - £1 per year for every 40.
For each additional 100 airmen - £1 13s. 4d. per year. (K.R.s 3377, 3378).
(c) Supply of books. (A.M.Os. A.334/42, A.1025/42).
29. An information and reading room may be run in conjunction with the libraries.
[underlined] Central Library [/underlined]
30. The R.A.F. Central Library will lend text books to station reference libraries for periods up to six months. Catalogues may be obtained from Command Headquarters.
[underlined] Training Films [/underlined]
31. Sixteen and thirty five millimetre training films may be obtained from service sources. (A.P. 1972, N. Series A.M.Os., War Office Film Catalogue, Command Film Catalogues).
Amendments to this precis:-
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1. What factors in the modern development of the R.A.F. make training so necessary for all branches?
2. Why is it essential that commanders should have a good knowledge of the training and educational facilities available?
3. Where would you look for the titles of instructional films available from service sources?
4. What are the objects of the Vocational Advice Service?
5. What types of instruction come under the heading of Resettlement Training?
6. What methods will be used to conduct Secondary Educational Training in the E.V.T. scheme?
7. What branch of the service will administer E.V.T?
8. How will accommodation be provided for E.V.T.?
9. How could you obtain information for an airman wishing to study commercial advertising presuming that no education officer was available?
10. Would you find fiction books in the Station Reference Library?
11. If you decided that ‘Flight’ and ‘The Aeroplane’ should be made available to the airmen, how would you obtain and pay for these periodicals?
12. What are the three main objects of the E.V.T. scheme?
13. Will E.V.T. be compulsory for permanent commission officers?
14. What are the three types of educational training undertaken by the E.V.T. scheme?
15. What is the civilian equivalent of the Forces Preliminary Examination?
16. Will E.V.T. have any affect [sic] on the release of an individual?
17. How can an airman get advice with regard to vocational training?
18. Can aircrew volunteer for employment as E.V.T. instructors?
19. Will airmen aircrew be remustered if they become E.V.T. instructors?
20. What is the minimum qualification in order to become an educational instructor in the E.V.T. scheme?


“Officers advanced training school - personnel training,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 11, 2024,

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