Letter from Douglas Hudson to his parents



Letter from Douglas Hudson to his parents


Writes thanking them for letter which announced air raid warnings and commenting on how they might affect his parents even though no aircraft appeared. Catches up with news of people. Writes that he is sending photographs and asks if they would like any enlargements. Hopes he will be able to get better quality photograph sin the future. Mentions that that days flight was cancelled due to weather but he expects to fly the next day.



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Three page handwritten letter


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RAF badge

Dear Mother & Dad,

Thank you for your letter written on Thursday which arrived this morning, announcing the air raid warning, and enclosing Ulula[?] & the Annual 6.M.a. Report.
I can imagine it would be alarming having that wretched siren howling away, but I am glad that no ‘planes appeared. I suppose you will get the warnings without there necessarily being hostile aircraft actually present.

I expect Lichmans[?] will be proud of their son. I was very surprised to read of his bravery. I notice that Spunk[?] (he was in my forms(?) is a Lieutenant in the Indian Army. I was also very surprised to learn that.

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I think I should definitely send my name up for inclusion in the list on the Roll of service. I have not paid my subscription, but I believe that doesn’t matter now there is a war on.
I received the photos tonight and I am sending these herewith. They are poor, but I cannot get any better ones done here. I have numbered the photos at the back 1 and 2. I think number 2 is the better one by far and I wonder if you would like an enlargement, or a coloured enlargement. If so write back straight away telling[?] the number 1 or 2 (I should prefer No. 2) and I will arrange to have one done & sent on when I leaver here. I think the enlargements come up rather better.
I am hoping in due course to have a better quality ‘photo taken altogether, when I can
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find a suitable photographer.
I should have done a long flight today, but the weather cancelled it entirely. I am not really sorry because my left arm is very stiff & sore as a result of those wretched inoculations. I expect to fly tomorrow afternoon instead and that will leave 48 hours after inoculations, but now of course all that business[?] is to blazes.[?] I have done very little flying since I was home last, I mean comparatively[?] We have all been very surprised.
I am writing this letter on Sat. night, and shall post it on Sunday in the hope that it will arrive first thing on Monday am.
And so good night.
Love, Douglas.



James Douglas Hudson, “Letter from Douglas Hudson to his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 18, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/22466.

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