To Jessie from Harry Redgrave



To Jessie from Harry Redgrave


Three-page (undated) handwritten letter from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry writes that he is now in a better room and has been to a show and a lecture. He is unable to get leave until Christmas.




Three handwritten sheets


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[RAF Crest]

Room 124
No 4 IT. W RAF
Bexhill on Sea

Dear Jessie,

After Saturdays effort in which I wrote 5 letters I missed you but have more to tell you today. I’ll start off by telling you I couldn’t get a long week end[sic] for next Friday so I shall not be home [deleted] for Xmas[/deleted] until Xmas.

Well now for some good news. We have had a change of rooms. From a cold and draughty room facing out over the channel[sic] we have moved to a big light room N0.124 with private bathroom and lav.[lavatory] It is much bigger than our long room and houses our seven beds comfortably. It is much warmer than 121 and has roll up black out screens whereas the other was permonantly [sic] blacked out. In the bathroom we have a hot towel rail and lino on the floor. As Hughie would

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[RAF Crest]

say “its Wizard.” A most amusing thing happened yesterday which the whole wing is still laughing over. Sunday morning we went outside for Church Parade and found everyone gazing up at the tower and fluttering from the flag pole was a pair of ladies [sic]knickers and on top of the pole was a jerry. Some one [sic] had pulled over a good joke.

I had a good a [sic] week-end with enough beer to make me merry Friday and Satuday night and last night went to the De la Ware Pavilion Theatre and saw a good variety. Mario de Pietro was top of the bill he was [deleted] marvelou [/ deleted] marvellous. Mum would have liked to hear him.

Went to a lecture by Rosita Forbes this afternoon. She was very conversant with things in Europe and had recently met with Hitler and Stalin and is evidently on speaking terms with all the important men and women of our time

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Have you received your money yet. I sent it by registered post on Saturday and when you pay Tickett see if anything has been done about my insurance. Heard today that we may be hear[sic] for about six weeks after Xmas but in my new room I shall not mind.

I haven’t [sic] heard from Tom yet and hope he is a bit more comfortable now. I believe [sic] I have forgotten Joyce in my letters lately so if she has noticed it tell her I am sorry. Not received yours or Milly’s cake yet but if you are hard up in fact I [deleted] v [/deleted] think it would be better if you saved your money Xmas.

Well good night my darling and keep smiling Xmas will [deleted] still [/deleted] soon be here Kiss Pam for me and ask her kiss you for me

Always your fondest
Harry xxxxx


Harry Redgrave, “To Jessie from Harry Redgrave,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 23, 2024,

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