Browse Collections (1848 total)

Wickstead, Elizabeth

An oral history interview with Elizabeth Wickstead (b.1928). She was a child in Sussex during the war. Her sister was a nurse at the Queen Victoria…

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White, Kenneth

An oral history interview with Sergeant Ken White (b. 1925, 1852517 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as an air gunner with 214 flying B-17s.

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White, Ernest James

An oral history interview with Squadron Leader Ernest James White (Royal Air Force). He flew operations as an air gunner with 9, 61 and 97 Squadrons.…

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Weston, Jim


Four items. An oral history interview with Flight Sergeant Jim Weston (b. 1922, 1539596 Royal Air Force) an identity card and photographs. He flew…

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Weir, Archie

An oral history interview with archibald 'Archie' Weir (1922 - 2018, 1562624 Royal Air Force). He flew operations with 61 Squadron.
The collection…

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Webster, Jack

An oral history interview with Jack Webster (Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a wireless operator with 514 and 138 Squadrons.

The collection…

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Webb, Lacey Peter


17 items. An oral history interview with Warrant Officer Lacey Peter Webb (1925 - 2017, Royal Air Force), service material, aircraft drills,…

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Waye, John Harry


An oral history interview with John Waye (b.1923, 1803659 Royal Air Force). He served as an air gunner in the Far East.

The collection was…

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Watson, John Robert


Seven items. An oral history interview with Warrant Officer John 'Jack' Watson DFM (b. 1923 Royal Air Force) his log book and photographs. He flew…

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Watson, Clifford


Five items. Two oral history interviews with Flying Officer Clifford Watson DFC (1922 - 2018, 1384956, 188489 Royal Air Force), a memoir, his service…

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Warwick, William Albert

An oral history interview with William Warwick (b. 1934). He grew up in North Lincolnshire and served in the Royal Observer Corps.
The collection was…

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Walker, Tom


Two items. An oral history interview with Flight Sergeant Tom Walker (b. 1925, 1590544 Royal Air Force) and a photograph. He flew operations as a…

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Walker, Stephen


40 items. An oral history interview with Stephen Walker about Ronald Cecil Walker (b 1924) photographs and documents.
The collection has been…

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Walker, Alfred James

An oral history interview with Alfred Walker (b. 1942). He lived at the end of the runway at RAF Upwood.

The collection has been donated to the…

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Wagner, Henry Wolfe


15 items. Two oral history interviews with Sergeant Henry Wolfe Wagner (1923 - 2020, 1604744 Royal Air Force), his memoirs, documents and photographs.…

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Wadmore, Gwendolen


Five items. An oral history interview with Gwedolen Wadmore (b.1922) documents, decorations and a photograph. She experienced the London Blitz.

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Vickers, Arthur


Four items. An oral history interview with Flight Lieutentant Arthur Vickers (b. 1923, 1806465, 179382 Royal Air Force), and three photographs. He…

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Van Riel, Coby


Three items. An oral history interview with Coby Van Riel (b. 1932), a memoir and her brothers war diary. She was a recipient of the Operation Manna…

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Valentine, Leslie


Six items. An oral history interview with Leslie Dudley Valentine about his father Flying Officer Leslie Valentine (458646, 185002 Royal Air Force)…

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Valentine, Murray

An oral history with Murray Valentine. He flew operations as a wireless operator with 61 Squadron and 617 Squadron.
The collection was catalogued by…

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Tyrell, Leonard Ralph

An oral history interview with Flight Lieutenant Leonard Ralph Tyrell (1602785, 163718 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a bomb aimer with 207…

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Tyler, Elizabeth Anne


Seven items. An oral history interview with Elizabeth Tyler (b.1952), five photographs and a postcard to Mrs Margaret Tyler,

The collection has…

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Turnham, Ken


11 items. An oral history interview with Flight Lieutenant Ken Turnham (1924 - 2018, 1850743, 197068 Royal Air Force) his log book and documents. He…

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Southwell, Brian Robert


17 items. An oral history interview with Brian Robert Southwell (b. 1916, 402261 Royal Australian Air Force), his log books, documents and…

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Mortensen, James Christian


An oral history interview with Warrant Officer James Mortensen (1924, 2209575 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a wireless operator with 149…

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