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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Number 26. Notes mail ban has been lifted and large bunch of letters arrived. Thanks for sending book 'Agriculture' and tells her not to worry about sending sleeping bag. Mentions other items sent and their usefulness. Discuses reasons for stating…

Number 24. Notes it is the 3rd anniversary of their engagement and he writes how lucky he has been since asking her to marry him. He has been for a walk and seen some of the outside world.

Number 23. No mail since last card. Is fit and has enough to eat. No exercise for two months but hopes to play soccer soon. Has had notification of books on their way but no sign of clothing food or tobacco parcels. Has joined newly opened Toc H…

Number 22. Reports letters and photographs that have arrived and states that mail ration has improved. Sends thanks to others who have written. They have performed the first show in a theatre which they have built. Still studying German and violin.

Number 21. Lists letters arrived. Still allowed only one letter and one card out a month. Limits ability to write to anyone else as saving allowance for her. Red Cross has issued some clothes but mentions he still need some article s to avoid having…

Number 20. Notes that letter ration has been reduced to one letter and one card outbound and 4 letter inbound in per month. List letters arrived including some from friends. Not able to reply to them due to limits on letters out. Writes of domestic…

Number [censored]. List letters that have arrived and mentions one from Swiss friend promising parcel soon. Food situation now better than it was in first month when there were no Red Cross parcels. [censured lines]. More about food and sport. Time…

Number 18. Thanks her for efforts to organise food parcels but disappointed with one rich acquaintance. Thrilled to get old photographs of her. Continuing effort with his now own violin. Red Cross food parcel arriving regularly and well as some…

Number 17. Lists letters that have arrived. Apologises for upsetting her about food but things are much better now if largely vegetarian. He appreciates her efforts to organise food parcels. He writes that he is coping well. Asks her to enquire if…

Number 16. Reports on letters that have arrived. Mentions money he left in his locker at the squadron and discusses finances and income tax. Thrilled with photographs Barbara sent. Writes about life in camp, room mates, his daily routine, Red Cross…

Letter to Miss E B Griffin, thanks her for letter and photographs, particularly of his wife, which arrived in record sixteen days. Life is monotonous but he is well fed and busy. Is lucky to be in best camp. Hopes that early letter when things were…

Number 15. Writes that her letters 1-9 have arrived. Lists in order of importance item he would like her to send. Thanks for and sends well wishes. Do not send books, time fully occupied. Started violin lessons and lists stationary he would like…

Number 14. Notes arrival of latest mail from home. Looking forward to parcel. Asks her to list contents of parcel so he can advise on what he needs. Mentions tobacco and cigarettes. Discusses various types of mail and which is best.

Number 13. Writes that her letters 1-5 arrived. Says post could be delayed both ways and suggest she send one letter a week. Notes that ration cuts have been restored and regular Red Cross parcels arriving. Says he is now feeling much better and has…

Number 12. Notes her letters 1, 2, 3 and 5 arrived. Catches up with news of family/friends. Asks he to let him know if she has any problems getting his personal kit. Writes he will be playing soccer, feeling fit. Pleased Frances is making progress…

Number 11. Has received no further letters. Asks her to send one pound of tobacco a month. Asks she continue efforts to get people outside the empire to send food parcels. Sends latest chess move and mentions his poor health.

Number 10. Writes that he has received her first two letters. Discuses small chance that other crews from the operation survived as only a small number now in his camp. Asks when she heard from Red Cross that he was prisoner. Mentions his poor…

Number 9. Asks for more food parcels and whether firm has any connections that could send regular consignments. Discusses possibility of her moving out to countryside for the duration or acquiring a rural residence near London making a start with…

Number 8. Writes he is feeling much better. He is trying to arrange that any friends or acquaintances who live outside the empire send him food parcels because any that are sent from inside are pooled. He describes his appearance after being shot…

Number 7. Writes that life is a bit monotonous with no opportunity to get out of compound on work parties. Asks her to tell him dates of letters she has received from him so he will know if they all got through. Asks her to send lots of photographs…

Number 5. Writes about his fitness and health. Says not eating much and asks for regular supply of tobacco.

Number 4. Reports he is more cheerful but hungry. Writes of possibilities of food in Red Cross parcels. Writes that he is busy looking after his hut, mentions study opportunities and garden. News of servicemen and prisoners he knows. He is longing…

Number 3. Writes that he has now settled in permanent camp. Feels weak and depressed but this will pass. Shares room with three Dutchmen, one of whom has relative close to her in England. He request she call on relative. Wished she could sent food -…

Letter number 2. Writes he is now in camp where he will remain. List items he is short of and would like her to try and send. Mentions he has been installed as leader of hut containing 164 men. Discusses money and ask if she has enough. Mentions…

First letter as a prisoner of war. Asks her to let him know how long she was in suspense with him missing before he was reported as prisoner. Writes of conditions in camp. Describes how pilot stayed with aircraft and allowed the rest of the crew to…
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