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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Writes notifying her that the Red Cross regularly sends Invalid Foods and Medicines to all POW Camps and Hospitals where there are British prisoners of war, However, if she was anxious about her husband a report could be obtained from his Senior…

Letter posted from RAF station North Luffenham by Base Navigation Officer, Squadron Leader Alan Hill covering family news and friendship matters in general. Is glad that Bob is safe and well and wanted to know about how to send parcels to him.

Passes on contents of telegram from her husband Robert that he had recovered from burns and she could write to him at Stalag Luft 1.

Writes hoping that Joan heard her husband, Squadron Leader Bob Wareing’s message on 6/20/44. He conveys the message as best he remembers it saying that Bob feels much better now and is sorry about the leave and asks for Joan to write to him at his…

From Iga a prisoner of war in an adjacent camp telling John of her move to a women only camp near the sea.

The letter advises that a message from John was read out over German radio. He says he is fine.

Harry refers to the London reunion.

Lance invites him to a reunion in London.

She writes that Ron has died and asks him to write back. If John wishes to visit his grave then she will assist.

The two men shared incarceration in Germany. He asks if Johnny got back safely.

The letter advises that the Red Cross has been officially informed that John is a prisoner of war.

His father has not heard from his son for a while but the letter offers reassurance in that John has received parcels and cards.

John has changed names with another prisoner of war. The Letter suggests a reason for this.

The letter expresses pleasure at the news that John will be soon home.

He asks after his family and friends back home.

He writes that they are fed up.

He is well and studying. He has been getting regular mail. He asks for a pipe, tobacco and cigarettes.

He writes from prisoner of war camp. He has had influenza but is better. He has received his first parcel and is very pleased with it. One sentence has been censored. He expects Christmas to be a bit different.

He is well and asks for lots of letters. He mentions that they should receive a letter for his Caterpillar Club membership. He asks for shoes, slippers, tobacco and pipe.

He asks for mail, one or two pipes, khaki shorts, swimming trunks or football shorts and chocolate.

He has had no mail from home. He cancels his request for shoes and shorts but is keen to get a pipe, tobacco and cigarettes.

He is well and has received a letter. He appreciates the pipe that he has recently received.

The letter asks for John's address, prisoner of war number and camp number. They also sent a gift for John.
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