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  • Tags: prisoner of war

First letter since arriving in England after liberation. Gives account of liberation after a three week march from last camp. Writes that the weather had been good and they had had Red Cross parcels and plenty of cigarettes. Describes activities back…

Notes that he has been moved to a new location , camp at Aumale, which is under previous harsher regime. It is better that El Kef but was a surprise after the freedom of Médéa. Has received cable but cannot cable new address as American consul has…

Most of the letter concerns post with catalogue of mail sent and received and shows concern that some was missing/delayed. due to multiple address changes at both ends. Suggests that they send mail to him via the American consul in Algiers.

Writes that he has received correspondence from home and from pen friends. States he cannot write to the latter as he is only allowed two letters a month. Explains that he cannot say a great deal in letters and that politics are taboo. Explains about…

Writes about moving from El Kef to Médéa in Algeria. New arrangements organised for internees by American and British governments with cooperation of French. Explains that conditions are much better that at El Kef where they were very rough. They…

A repetition of previous letter but this one was sent via the American Consul in Algiers

Writes that he has received many letters and discusses the time some have taken and different post options. Mentions finances and that conditions in new location are much improved. Catches up with family news and discusses weather in North Africa.

Intends sending letter by air mail through American consul in Algiers. Encourages them to send letter to him by air mail which takes three weeks as opposed to several months by other means. Commiserates with their difficulties, discusses finances and…

Writes a lot about mail received and sent and options for post. States that air mail is best despite expense. Discusses weather, climate and the local countryside. Mentions his French language problems.

Writes of successful quick exchange of cables. Has sent them many letters by various means. They now have more liberty and can walk around. They are staying in normal hotel with shared bedrooms. Weather is cold because of height at present. Cannot…

Writes of mail received and that he is happy they are now settled as constant moving made addressing letters to them difficult. Writes that he has been walking in local countryside and about the weather which is still quite cool as he has only just…

Writes of letters received from them and other relations. Discusses mail situation. Discusses their new house and talks a little of life in his new situation.

Acknowledges receipt of letters. Hopes they are settling in new house.Talks of chocolate, red cross and their status as prisoners of war in Tunisia. Notes price of cigarettes is much cheaper in Algeria that in England. Says he is expecting to go to…

Had received letter from them and sorry to hear mother was ill. Concerned over possible gaps in mail. Went to Algiers for two day, tried to get clothes but very difficult. Describes Algiers city and weather. Sorry to hear old school master was victim…

Notes his new address in Aumale, Algeria and reports on letters received. Catches up on family gossip and contrasts it with his idle life, though this is not what he would wish for. Mentions a little of his activities, routine and weather. Writes of…

Catches up with letters sent and received since he arrived at new location and complains that his small allowance make it difficult to afford sending cables from his camp. Catches up with news from home and mentions a little of his physical and other…

Catches up with mail and cables sent and received. Mentioned leaving previous camp and since arriving at new one has been please to receive cables especially witch pre-paid replies. Reminisces over life at home but thinks it will be another two years…

Catches up with letters sent and received and is pleased at how quickly some arrived. Notes that one letter was censored and was trying to work out what might have caused this but is at a loss. He writes that he always is careful with content as he…

Had not received any mail since he last wrote and it was nine days since he sent his last cable. Mentions the weather had become cooler and that he described his first boxing match which he lost on points. Mentions that he had lost a little weight…

Catches up on letters and cables sent and received and notes times taken each way for airmail. Hopes they enjoyed their holiday week. Comments on prepaid cable they sent. Writes that they appear to have been shocked by the postcard he sent with the…

Writes to suggest that they post letters to him direct to the American consul in Algiers. Comments on letters he has received from friends and relatives. and that letters take 8 weeks to get to England and two or three weeks to get from there to him.…

Catches up on mail sent and received and reiterates that prepaid reply cables are good as he cannot afford to pay for them himself. Mentions previous camp and sending airmail without stamps assuming they would get through as prisoner of war mail.…

Catalogues and comments on letters and cables sent and received. Mentions that letters are better by now going through the American consul in Algiers. Make comments on weather at home and in Algeria as well as some mention of daily routine and…

Writes of receiving letter with photographs of his parents which he comments on. Catches up on other recent letters and cables to and from and suggests that mail going through the American consul in Algiers is best both ways. Catches up on news from…

Writes of latest letter received with more photographs of parents on which he comments. Mentions how much they mean and looks forward to more. Pleased that they have now received most of his letters sent from previous camp. Discusses problems of out…
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