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  • Tags: aerial photograph

Cutting 1 is an aerial view of RAF Cranwell, the RAF's Officer training college.
Cutting 2 is a photograph of a line of Hawker Harts captioned 'Britain's Air Force is growing rapidly under the Government's two-year expansion programme announced…

A low oblique aerial photograph of a church. There is snow in gardens and parks. On the reverse 'Ancienne Lorette Church P.Q. Each spire has a permanently lighted cross.'

Target photograph showing coast running bottom left to top right with sea to the right. In the centre a bomb explosion in the sea.

Top - coastline curving from top left to bottom centre. Some bomb explosions are visible bottom left on coast. Bottom - open ground with a built up area centre left. Bomb explosions bottom right quadrant.

Top - coastline curving from top left to centre left and then bottom centre. Bomb explosions visible in centre just inland of coast. Bottom - coastline juts out from bottom to centre with bomb explosion on coastline at centre.

Top - indistinct coastline from left to right centre. Buildings at right end. Bottom - sea at bottom with coastline in the distance, left to right at top. Possible explosions on coastline at left.

Top land juts out from right to centre left, Bomb explosions visible left centre on coast. Bottom coastline runs from left to right centre, sea at bottom. Bomb explosions visible left side on coast.

Two almost identical target photographs showing the sea to the upper left and the coast and fields to the lower right. There are several bomb craters along the dunes and one in a field. There is also the splash from a bomb impact in the sea. There is…

Top - coast runs top right to bottom left with sea to the left. Bomb explosion visible in sea at centre image. Bottom - enlarged version of top picture.

Target photograph of a coastline running from bottom right to centre left then bottom left. There is a bomb explosion centre left.

Target photograph of bomb explosion on a coastline running across image. On the reverse '192 Squadron, Attack on Walcheren, Oct 1944'.

Navigational computations and a chart for an operation to Siegen. Also included is a vertical aerial photograph.

Navigational computations and a chart for an operation to Wuppertal, Vohwinkel marshalling yards. A vertical aerial photograph taken during the attack is included and has the annotation '200 yds 280°' and on the reverse '200 yds 280° Bomb door mod…

Navigational computations and chart for an operation to Vohwinkel marshalling yards. Included is a vertical aerial photograph with the annotation 'N. A/Pp and on the reverse 'Nr Haan Mod 74'.

Navigational computation for an operation to Hamm. Also included is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing operation.

Reconnaissance photograph of a small town in an agricultural location. A river is winding through the left hand side of the photograph, and a road runs top to bottom. Between the road and the river is a railway line. Several trains can be seen in a…

Reconnaissance photograph of heavily industrialised area. Approximately one third of the area is obscured by cloud. There is considerable cratering across the area, and extensive damage to the industrial buildings and railway is visible. Caption in…

A target photograph taken during an operation to Podgorica. Half of the image is obscured by explosions and smoke. The river and the grid pattern of streets and buildings can be clearly seen. On the reverse is captioned 'With compliments from 336…

A vertical aerial photograph showing multiple bombs being dropped. The ground is mostly obscured by cloud and explosions. A the bottom of the image are fields and buildings.

A reconnaissance photograph showing a large town with a river running from lower left to right. Just right of centre is a railway station with marshalling yard. A further marshalling yard is on the right side Both marshalling yards are indicated by…

A reconnaissance photograph showing a large town with a river running from lower left to top right. A station and marshalling yard are in the middle of the left half and a further marshalling yard and the aero-engine factory are on the upper right…

Target photograph shows bomb explosion left side half way up. Tracer tracks across image. On the reverse '51:92/17'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with railway line running from top left to middle right. Caption '19, W.S 8/9 6.44, NT 8", 0'5 0223, Special Target A. 1 x 14000, 15 secs, F/O Knight'. On the reverse '51:92/5'.

Target photograph shows bomb explosion in centre of image. Caption ' 114, W.S, 8/9.6.44, N.T. 8", Special Target, H. 1 x 14000, F/Lt Clayton H, 617''. On the reverse '51:92/6'.

Target photograph showing open countryside south west of Samur with Rue du Pont Fouchard running from top left to bottom right. There are lines of tracer on top and bottom left. Caption '119, W.S. 8/9.6.44, NT 8", Special Target, K.6 x 1000. 6x7FL,…
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