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  • Tags: entertainment

He has received one letter from his mother. He has been watching football.

He has received two letters this week. He will write to Mrs Pepper next week. He has attended a musical comedy.

Seven letters received this week. They have a new play to watch. Lots of sport activity.

He has only had one letter that week. He watched a musical comedy last night. He has been playing cricket. Weather has been good.

Les' record of his time as a prisoner of war. Lots of sport and camp plays and musicals. He escaped in September when Italy made peace with the Allies. He describes his journey to British lines then back home.

He asks for a cigarette machine and a diary. His health is good. They are having a sports meeting plus board games, lectures and concerts.

He has had no mail from her. Its been raining again. He is rehearsing for a concert party. No sport this week because of the weather.

A partly coloured sketch of a theatrical group with a caption September 1st 1943 to January 27th 1945. Character include a man in a wheelchair, and two men dressed as women.

Actors on the stage being watched by an orchestra in their pit and a handful of spectators. Several actors are at a table while two Royal characters are on a raised area.

The theatre's wings with an actor and two stage hands.

Seven men at work making props. Two men are working on a dresser. A Red Cross crate is in the foreground.

A view of the hut used as a theatre. Two trees are in the foreground

A scene from a musical comedy viewed from the wings. Musicians including a guitarist and saxophonist are playing while a man dressed as a woman dances.

Props stored at the theatre. There is a bust, stage flats and pieces of furniture.

A view of the stage from the wings. Two actors are on the stage and a third, a waiter, is bringing a tray with a drinks.

A scene in the dressing room. Actors are reading their lines while others get changed and have makeup applied. Four men and preparing to play women's roles.

Six actors waiting back stage. Three men are dressed as women. Part of a show's musical running order is written on the wall behind them.

Stage hands preparing scenery. The stage door is open to the outside camp and two men are carrying a stage flat. More scenery is against the back drop at the back of the stage.

Control room for the stage lighting, looking down at the stage. Two actors are on stage while stage hands move a piece of furniture.

Stagehands at work. Two dancers are on the stage. A man at the top of a ladder is working on the stage flats and others are painting.

Stagehands preparing the set. One man is at the top of a ladder by the proscenium arch. The backdrop is a city scape with high rise buildings.

A play being performed with three actors. The orchestra are in their pit and a couple of spectators are watching. A picture on the back of stage reads 'Home Sweet Home'. There is a stage villain and two prisoners of war dressed as women characters.

Written to his brother who was pilot training in Canada. Asks after Joan and mentions recent activities in Scunthorpe. Mentions he is now in the RAF and describes initial activities and train journey and meeting someone who had missed their…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes of life at his new posting at RAF Bridgnorth. Describes typical days activities and mentions that they did not get late passes except Saturdays and no rail travel allowed so 48 hours leaves. Writes that town has 58…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes of arriving at home and missing seeing his brother due to travel difficulties. Describes quiet evening with Mary and Sunday dinner. Comments of difficult journey back to base and finding out exam results on his…
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