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  • Tags: sport

Mentions letter transit time of 3 to 4 weeks. Comments on wool prices and mentions letter with photograph from Betty. Writes that he played football and had been night flying. Catches up with family/friends news.
This item was sent to the IBCC…

He is not happy that he is still at Moncton. He hitch hiked to St Johns. The camp has now raised $60000 for the Fourth War Loan. There have been bands, variety shows and boxing matches.

He thanks her for her letters. He discusses Jean playing tennis and the weather.

He has transferred from Ireland to Oxfordshire. He states that he will be busy flying. Accommodation and food are good. He has been playing tennis.

They have been out drinking. He has recovered from playing football.

He is not flying because his pilot is ill. He writes about getting tyres for his car and playing in cricket match.

Thanks for letters and mentions dates which are not possible. Mentions skipper is still ill. Speculates on accommodation. Asks if she would like a duck or fowl when he came home on leave. Catches up with news of friends and talks a little of his…

Asks her to congratulate friend over birth of baby. Mentions he is stiff due to PT, basket ball and swimming. Just off to camp cinema.

Number 13. Writes that her letters 1-5 arrived. Says post could be delayed both ways and suggest she send one letter a week. Notes that ration cuts have been restored and regular Red Cross parcels arriving. Says he is now feeling much better and has…

Number [censored]. List letters that have arrived and mentions one from Swiss friend promising parcel soon. Food situation now better than it was in first month when there were no Red Cross parcels. [censured lines]. More about food and sport. Time…

Number 42. Complains of lack of mail. Life uneventful apart from cold weather. Writes about practising violin in latrine. Hoping for photographs of daughter Frances. Notes some prisoners have had optimistic letters. Mentions ice rinks but lack of…

Number 43. Hopes he will get more letters from her. Mentions going to officers compound for show but with restrictions on speaking to anyone. Reports very cold weather but is able to keep small room warm even with small coal allowance. Mentions he…

Number 47. Still no letter from wife but her parcel has arrived. Has now got all the clothing required just needs socks. Thanks her for included rug for which he is very grateful and would like another if he is there for another winter. Mentions…

Number 1. Writes that he is starting new numbering system, last was 59. Records letters and comments he has received and says books from Sweden are welcome. Writes they had outbreak of fleas and of effect on him. He has now recovered from illnesses…

Number 8. Has received no mail. Mentions health, playing soccer and two hours a day on violin. He is dabbling in agriculture but Dutch is slipping. Writes he is getting fed up with his Dutch room mates. Mentions discover of lice and upcoming…

Number 15. Records letters that he has received and mentions how valuable they are to him. Mentions that typewritten ones seem to arrive quicker. Says he has a new violin teacher. Writes he is looking forward to more photographs, that he is…

Writes he is very tired having had to put out fires all night and get up early. Describes daily routine. Complains he has had no letter from her for 5 days. States maths exam went well and now no more exams until end of course. Continues on 16/1/41…

He asks for a cigarette machine and a diary. His health is good. They are having a sports meeting plus board games, lectures and concerts.

He has had no mail from her. Its been raining again. He is rehearsing for a concert party. No sport this week because of the weather.

He has only had one letter. He dislocated his finger playing basketball. They are having three plays that night.

He has received two letters. He has been playing football. The compound band is playing a concert that night. He is well and in good spirits.

He has received more cigarettes and one letter. There has been major football matches and drama club activity.

Only two Christmas cards from Nellie received. Church service, football and a variety show to look forward to at Christmas. Weather is very poor. He is in good health and spirits. He describes the Christmas menu.

He tells his mother that not much has happened. He says it is warm enough to sunbathe and they hade the usual entertainments, concerts, sports, lectures, classes and debates. He is well.

He has had six letters. He has been walking in the Dolomites and playing sports.
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