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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Part of his message has been censored. He asks about folk back home and hopes he will be home soon.

They write with news of family and friends

He has received parcels of cigarettes from home. It has been very hot.

He is desperate for a cigarette parcel. He has been studying and hopes to be home soon.

Part of a letter but only the address side.

He asks for cigarettes. He is studying accounts.

John's Service and Release Book covering the period 2 March 1942 to 26 February 1946.

John's medical classification and orders given for his return to unit,

To John confirming a letter will be sent the next day at 10 o'clock and that she was feeling sad and nervous.

A note to John about a letter to be written the next day at 12 o'clock.

A note to John saying she is looking for the ball and is nervous.

To John saying she is preparing for travel and that a letter will be ready at 4 o'clock.

A booklet providing information on resettlement of ex prisoners of war.

Describes her difficulties in learning english and desire to improve. She writes from a prisoner of war camp saying she is an airwoman and asks if John is a pilot and requests that John send some English books.

Iga is sorry that she was unable to meet John due to sickness.

Iga writes that her health is improving, she is working in the hospital and wishes John a happy Christmas. John replies that he is glad she is feeling better and wishes her a happy new year.

To John thanking him for his letter and telling him she is moving to a new camp the next day.

To John thanking him for his letter and saying a letter will be ready the next day at 10 o'clock and asking why John was sad.

Thanking John for the parcel he sent and apologising for her poor English.

A letter from Iga

Thanking John for the drawing he sent and describing her poor living conditions with 160 girls sleeping on the floor. Iga says she is moving camp and that it is forbidden to write between Stalags and giving John an address to write to later.

Addressed to his barrack, a letter from Iga to John saying that she is leaving the camp and suggesting he finds someone who knows Polish to translate her letter.

With apologies to John for not saying goodbye when she left the camp but she had to be taken to the car on a stretcher. Iga is sad that she cannot continue their correspondence but hopes that the war will soon be over. She is now working as a sister…

A good luck card from Joe and Tony.

A card letting his parents know he is safe and well.
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