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  • Collection: Kemp, Maurice

Before joining the Royal Air Force in January 1944, Maurice helped to build Coningsby aerodrome. After attending an Aircrew Reception Centre at Edgbaston, he passed as a wireless operator gunner, finishing as a gunner. He joined up at Lord’s…

Notes persona details and hours flown day and night on 115 Squadron at RAF Witchford. Lists operation to Kiel, Potsdam, Gelsenkirchen, Karmen, Bruchstrasse, Munster, Hamm and Heligoland. List sorties on Operation Manna at the Hague, Operation Exodus…

Seven aircrew wearing battledress standing in line behind eight ground crew squatting down. In the background a Lancaster with cartoon chorus girl nose art. Maurice Kemp is second from right back row. Additional information about this item was…

Head and shoulder portrait of an airman wearing tunic with air gunner brevet and medal ribbons
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