Browse Items (31 total)

  • Collection: Kent, Kenneth D

Album page captioned 'Cooperstown, New York State, August 1943'. Three photographs first showing an individual in a rowing boat on the water, river bank with trees in the background, captioned 'Alan on the river'.
Second is of a small house set in…

Page captioned 'Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. September 1943. Five photographs, first shows two RAF aircrew officers standing in front of a car parked in front of a house, captioned Alan and I alongside Dr Lundie's car'.
Second shows a family…


Two pictures, first shows Keith in swimming trunks, and Alan with a family and a dog on a beach, captioned 'On the beach at Ponti Shan with the Lundie's.
Second is same group on the beach captioned 'Delousing Scottie'.
Three pictures captioned…


A Wellington in flight, captioned '16 O.T.U Upper Heyford February 1944, The good old Wimpy'.
Second is of four aircrew standing under a palm tree, captioned 'Bari Italy October 1945, Under the swaying palms'.
The third is missing, this was…

Letter to Ken from his wife while he was still in Canada, but about to return to England. She thanks him for a parcel and says that she is looking forward to him coming home.

Photograph of him leaving the church with his wife. They are standing in the church porch.
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