Browse Items (117 total)

  • Collection: Saunders, Ernest John

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a low level aerial oblique of Delta beach, Manitoba, Canada with the Delta channel shown, looking southwest. Captioned 'Delta Beach'.
Photo 2 is of towering clouds, captioned 'Storm Up!'.
Photo 3 is a…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an aerial oblique of Portage and its river.
Photo 2 is a pavement scene of shops and pedestrians.
Photo 3 is a the main street with cars, captioned 'Main Drag'.
Photo 4 is a river with trees on the bank,…

Eight b/w photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an airman on a freight wagon ladder, captioned 'Arthur'.
Photo 2 is an airman standing on the roof of a freight wagon.
Photo 3 is a steam engine.
Photo 4 is a grain elevator at the side of the…

An Anson seen from the front and above showing damage along its leading edges, engines and nose, captioned 'ASI 2/5/41 Hailstone Damage RCAF Rivers, Man'.

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a steam engine captioned 'No 1 CPR'.
Photo 2 is a steam engine captioned ;The first CPR No 1 at Winnipeg'.
Photo 3 is a steam engine captioned 'No 1 CNR'.
Photo 4 is an airman with an aircraft behind,…


Six men and two nurses positioned on and around an ambulance.

Nine photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is Sam seated with pipe and Watteau looking out of the hospital window.
Photo 2 is a woman standing outside a building, captioned 'F/Lt Mabel Lyons'.
Photo 3 is a nurse studying paperwork, captioned 'P/O P.…


Three items from an album.
Item 1 is a photo of a native Canadian standing and wearing traditional costume.
Item 2 is a train ticket from Rivers to Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Item 3 is a train ticket from Rivers to Winnipeg.

Eight photographs and a tram ticket from an album.
Photo 1 is Banff looking to Cascade Mountain.
Photo 2 is the Bow river at Banff.
Photo 3 is the administrative building at Banff with Cascade mountain behind.
Photo 4 is the Banff Springs…

Four photographs from an album, captioned 'Wild Bears No cages for these fellows'.
Photo 1 is an airman standing looking at a bear.
Photo 2 is a bear advancing to the camera.
Photo 3 is of two bears. Behind is a family of three adults and two…


Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1, 2 and 4 are views of the spiral tunnels at Mount Stephen.
Photo 3 is inside one of the spiral tunnels.

Eight photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is the railway lines below Lake Louise.
Photo 2 is Field Lake taken from the train.
Photo 3 is Cathedral Mountain.
Photo 4 and 5 are mountains taken from above Field.
Photo 6 is a mountain surrounded by…

16 photographs and a tram ticket from an album.
Photo 1 is the waterfront taken from the ferry.
Photo 2 is the waterfront taken from Stanley Park.
Photo 3 is a river and mountains, captioned 'A little more Rockies'.
Photo 4 is of two bridges,…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is Sid and a sailor, captioned 'What shall we do with a drunken sailor'.
Photo 2 is Sam and Cpl "Dinger" Bell sitting on a park bench.
Photo 3 is a half length portrait of Sam and Sid.
Photo 4 is a man, a…

Five photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a ship, captioned 'Princess Margeritte'.
Photo 2 is a ship captioned 'Island Packet'.
Photo 3 is a ship captioned 'The Seattle Ferry'.
Photo 4 is a girl shovelling snow.
Photo 5 is an airman, a woman…


Four photographs from an album.
Photos 1, 2, 3 and 4 are low wooded hills taken from the ferry.

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is houses and trees, captioned 'Esquimault'.
Photo 2 is a grain elevator captioned 'Victoria Harbour'.
Photo 3 is the centre of Victoria taken from the top of the Hudson Bay Co roof.
Photo 4 is Victoria…

Six photographs and a tram ticket from an album.
Photo 1 is a view out of the carriage looking to the engine, captioned 'The Train to Halifax'.
Photo 2 is a tow truck attaching a hook to the back of a saloon car, captioned 'Result of ten hours in…

Seven photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is two airmen standing under the port engine of a Wellington, captioned 'Sgt Smith and North'.
Photo 2 is a Wellington in flight, captioned ' "N" for Nuts'.
Photo 3 is an airman sitting on the ground,…

Eight photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is three airmen outside their quarters at Shaluffa, captioned 'Len Clark, WAG, Me.'
Photo 2 is Sam sitting at a desk smoking a pipe, captioned 'Me'.
Photo 3 is four airmen outside their quarters, captioned…

Four photographs from an album.
Photos 1 and 2 are street scenes in the French colony at Suez.
Photos 3 and 4 are the swimming pool and swimming carnival.

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 and 3 are street scenes.
Photo 2 is a mosque.
Photo 4 is the causeway to Tewfik.

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is Wag and Len walking along a street.
Photo 2 is a car on a street.
Photo 3 is an open air cafe.
Photo 4 is a group mainly squatting on the pavement, captioned 'Boot Blacks (Shoe shine Captain George?)'.

Five photographs from an album.
Photo 1 and 4 are bridges over the Nile.
Photo 2 is a view across the river.
Photo 3 and 5 are head and shoulders of Sam.


Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is two airmen in khaki and shorts standing outside a hut.
Photo 2 is an airman sitting at a desk, captioned 'S/Ldr Booth the skipper'.
Photo 3 and 4 are a man sitting on a motorbike. One is identified as Wag…
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