Browse Items (179 total)

  • Collection: Chadwick, Roy

A group of dignitaries including a mayor, an air force officer (saluting) and several other men and women on a reviewing stand with an ensign behind them. On steps behind and to the sides a large group of spectators in formal dress or uniform.…

Front view of a Lancaster with many men working on various parts of aircraft or watching. Captioned 'G1038 3 April 44'. On the reverse 'Avro Lancaster, ? N Africa, Italy'.

King George VI on a stand behind a partially constructed Battle looking into the cockpit. In the foreground other men look on and in the background many spectators. Scene inside factory with skylights. On the reverse 'H M King George VI at A V Roe &…

Half length portrait of a man in suit and tie holding up a model Lancaster while a young man looks on. On the reverse 'About 1944. Roy Chadwick CBE MSc FRAS FRAeS designer of the Avro Lancaster with A Peter Bamford and a model Lancaster with air…

Half Length portrait of Roy Chadwick wearing dark suit standing behind a desk looking at a document. There are windows behind. On the reverse 'In his office at Chadderton'.

Two rows of front fuselages of Lancaster bombers in a large factory with other parts behind. Captioned 'Lancaster production at A V Roe & Co Ltd Chadderton, 150 per month about 1943, by courtesy of A V Roe & Co ltd'.


Taken from below, a pilot on the right sits at the controls and Roy Chadwick wearing parachute harness stands to the left.

In the centre H M the King wearing a light suit and tie at the front of a progression of men in suits. To either side workmen at machine benches. Inside a factory building. On the reverse 'The King visits Chadderton about 1941. Roy Chadwick mid photo…

Three-quarter length portrait of a seated man wearing suit, tie and academic dress. On the reverse 'Roy Chadwick CBE MSc FRAS FRAeS, awarded Hon Master of Science by Manchester University 1943'.

A four engine airliner registration G-AGSU flies over an airfield left to right. Below two Lincoln aircraft parked and in the distance hangars and buildings. On the reverse 'at Avros Woodford 1947, Avro XXI (Tudor II)'.


Front quarter view of a four engine bomber parked on hardstanding in front of a hangar. On the reverse '? Avro Lincoln'.

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Four Shackleton aircraft airborne in line astern with the leader breaking to port. On the reverse 'Four Avro Lancastrians [sic]'.


At the top eight aircrew wearing Mae West lined up under the engine of Lancaster. Bottom, 50 Squadron personnel standing in three lines in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Aircrew and Lancaster of 50 Squadron, some of whom served and died on the…

Two rows of Lancaster front fuselages in a factory with overhead lighting and skylights. Bdhind other aircraft parts. Captioned 'Lancaster production at A V Roe & Co Chadderton 150 per month, by courtesy of V Roe & Co Ltd. On the reverse 'A famous…


Seven men in line three are wearing white flying suits and the others coats and two with hats. Behind the rear fuselage of a passenger aircraft with open door. Captioned 'First flight of the Avro Tudor at Woodford, March 1946. Messrs Alf Sewart, Bill…

Top - Half Length portrait of Roy Chadwick wearing dark suit standing behind a desk looking at a document. There are windows behind. Captioned '(Wording on the back of photos). A specification is received the air ministry for a modification to be…

Winston Churchill wearing RAF uniform and smoking cigar walks with an officer wearing khaki desert uniform. behind them on the right is a naval officer. To the left a group of five officers and one civilian wearing a hat. On the right the front of an…

Fourteen men, ten sitting and four standing, gathered round a table looking at a model of an Avro York on the table as well as a rolled document. behind to the right a door. Roy Chadwick is in the centre sitting. On the reverse 'Roy Chadwick with his…

Roy Chadwick stands in front of a Lancaster talking to H M The Queen. To the left a group of dignatories look on. Behind left a hangar, to the right spectators and another hangar. On the reverse '[sic] Avro Anson 1935'.

Taken from below, a pilot on the right sits at the controls and another man (Roy Chadwick) wearing parachute harness stands to the left. On the reverse 'A Lancaster goes up on test. Chief designer and test pilot. Roy Chadwick and Bill Thorn in 2nd…

Roy Chadwick stands talking to the Queen. Above and right the nose of a Lancaster. Behind them a group of dignitaries and in the distance behind are spectators and a hangar. On the reverse 'A V Roe & Co Ltd, at Woodford aerodrome Cheshire. Allied…

Four men on steps, two wearing white flying suits and two in coats. A further man wearing white flying suit stands at the bottom of the steps. Steps with Avro logo stand against the rear cabin door of an Avro Tudor. On the reverse 'Avro News Service…

Three-quarter length portrait of a seated man wearing suit, tie and academic dress. On the reverse 'Vital original photo. Roy Chadwick CBE FRAS FRAeS given an Hon Masters of Science at Manchester University. One of the lovliest 194[..] vital photos,…

Six men standing in line all wearing suit and tie. Behind a brick building with door on the left and windows on the right. Captioned 'After maiden flight of Avro Tutor I [March crossed out] May 1946 at A V Roe Woodford. Roy Chadwick, Mr Wilmot, Sir…

A Grand Slam bomb laying horizontal on concrete supports. On the side 'Royal Air Force Chilmark' In front a descriptive notice. Behind a brick two story building with many windows. On the reverse 'Barnes Wallis's 10 Ton bomb, carried by Lancaster'.
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