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  • Collection: Valentine, John. Ursula Valentine's newspaper cutting scrapbook

Additional headline: to be stripped of all territory taken since 1895. Photograph with seated Chiang Kai-shek on left, Roosevelt in the centre and Churchill on the right. Behind then are a number of standing military officers.

Article 1 headlines: Italy declares war on Germany, co-belligerent with United Nations, active cooperation accepted, armistice terms still in full force. Article 2 headlines: Italy to prove herself, allies attitude, facts of surrender unchanged.

Cutting 1 headlines: Russians capture Stalino, Germans thrown out of Donetz basin, enemy reduced to three railway lines westward. Cutting 2 headlines: Hitler rages at Italy, treachery of surrender, Germany to fight alone. Cutting 3 headlines: Germans…

Article headlines: Italy invaded by the eighth army, British and Canadians land in Calabria, strong support from navy and air forces, Brenner pass line cut. Cutting headlines: Italy surrenders, complete submission to allies. immediate end to…


Article 1. Headlines: all Sicily conquered, German resistance at end, Messina captured by seventh army, Italian mainland shelled. Mentions operation by B-17 on southern France and by B-24s destroying 43 axis fighters during battle in southern Italy.…

Article 1. Headlines: Mussolini resigns, King of Italy in command of armed forces, Badoglio as prime minister, two proclamations to the nation, the war continues. Article 2. Account of annual meeting of the London Angus Association.

Article headlines: Sicily invasion going to plan on 100-mile front, dawn attack success of all landings by 6 am, troops advancing by 7.30 am, allied navies pour men and supplies onto island. Sub-headlines: 1000 planes support sea attack, Eisenhower…

Article headlines: Pantelleria occupied in 20 minutes, garrison pounded into surrender, white flag hoisted on hill top, German dive-bombers vain last-minute attack.

Article 1. Times headlines: agreement reached in Algiers, a committee for national liberation, central French authority over freed territory, intensified war effort. Article 2. Observer headlines: Castillo surrenders to new leader, Argentine's…

Article headlines: the comintern dissolved, Goebbel's "Bolshevik Bogy" robbed of its sting, Russia closer to the allies, Washington hints at likely meeting with Stalin.

Two photographs. Top showing Mohne dam breached in the centre with lake on the rights. Bottom photograph shows the dam before the attack.

Article 1. Headlines: Ruhr dams breached, daring low level attack by Lancaster, walls blasted out with 1500lb mines, vast damage by floods. Short account of Dams operation. Article 2. Headlines: growing devastation in Ruhr; flood waters sweep into…

Cutting 1. Headlines: final axis collapse in Tunisia, all organised resistance at an end, mounting total of prisoners now 150,000, von Arnim captured. Cutting 2. Headlines: a great victory acclaimed, the King's congratulations to General Eisenhower,…

Cutting 1. Headlines: 50,000 prisoners taken in Tunisia, three German divisional commanders, Luftwaffe withdrawn from battle, resistance breaking up. Cutting 2. Headlines: Cape Bon peninsular blockaded, intense activity by the navy, aircraft attack…

Article 1. The Times headlines: Tunis and Bizerta captured, official announcement of allied victory, relentless bombing by allied aircraft. Article 2. The Observer headlines: Fleeing Germans chased towards Cape Bon, British tanks aim to cut line of…

Article 1. Headlines: Soviet note to Poles, a diplomatic rupture, announcement by Mr Molotov. Article 2. Headlines: Russia and Poland, Marshal Stalin's statement to "The Times", offer of post war alliance.

Article 1. Headlines: Kairouan and Sousse occupied, eighth army pressing on through minefields, unflagging air offensive, no respite for retreating enemy. Article 2. Headlines: signs of German internal crisis, but hard military task is probably still…

Article headlines: eighth army's new victory, 500 guns blast hole in Akarit defences, infantry's overwhelming assault, junction with American forces. Cutting headlines: eighth army in close pursuit, nearly 10,000 prisoners taken, northern attack…

Three photograph cuttings with text cutting at bottom. Photograph 1 shows multiple industrial buildings with railway lines running top left to bottom right. There is damage to roof of buildings on the right. Photograph 2 shows Krupps works before the…

Article 1. Headlines: Vyasma occupied by red army, pursuit towards Smolensk continuing, heavy casualties inflicted, Germans claimn to be in Kharkov. Article 2. headlines: Mr Eden in Washington, meeting to-day with President Roosevelt, wide…

Article 1. Headlines: commons division after Beveridge debate, government majority of 216, Mr Morrison's reply to Labour amendment. Article 2. Headlines: Russians occupy Rzhev, a large haul of tanks and guns, continued advance from Khakov, railway…

Article 1. Headlines: Kharkov falls, city taken after fierce street fighting, German S.S army corps routed, Russians advancing on Taganrog. Article 2. Headlines: government policy on Beveridge plan, acceptance in principle with some reservations,…

Cutting 1 headlines: Ciano goes, Duce as foreign minister, grandi losses his ministry, Cutting 2 headlines: Mr Churchill in Tripoli, thanks to eighth army, review of tanks. Cutting 3 headlines: Rostov captured, Voroshilovgrad also in Russian hands,…

Article headlines: Giraud's power in Algeria, U.S. promise before landing, Darlan's part, Dalrlan won over, agreement revived. Reviews history and the position of General Giraud in French North Africa after deal done with Lt-General Mark Clark of the…

Article 1. Headlines: all resistance over at Stalingrad, remaining German forces capitulate, Lt-Gen Streicher taken prisoner. enemy lines pierced S.E. of Rostov. Article 2. Headlines: Cyprus great welcome for prime minister, islanders told of united…
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