Douglas 'Hank' Ivseson's first tour in Europe and 16 days of operational duties in the Middle East covering the period 7 July 1941 to 26 February 1943. Hank served with 76 Squadron, 77 Squadron and 462 Squadron and flew in Whitley and Halifax…
Had just received four letters from him, all by airmail but some had taken longer than others. Worried about cost to him of airmail. Passes on sad news of loss of friend. and news of others missing and awarded medals. Catches up with family news,…
Reports arrival of latest letters all sent by airmail but with different postmarks. Not yet received any letters from Aumale. Wonder why he had to move from previous location at Médéa. Writes of her difficulties of moving over the last few months…
Notes he is writing on father's birthday and also to answer two recent letters. Distressed to hear news of several colleagues and notes the whole gang apart from one have now gone. Mentions how close he came to the same fate. Goes on with some family…
Writes that she is enclosing an ingenious card from an acquaintance concerning their baby. States she does not know if cigarettes she sent are smokable but beggars cannot be choosers.
Writes that she is glad they had resolved differences over commissioning. Mentions sending parcel of socks and of daily activities. Mentions help Mrs Stenzel is giving, baby's progress and gardening plans.
Writes from Swift Current that they still have not started flying. They have been issued with text books on flying and are doing lots of sports. Mentions the weather and the time his latest letter took to get from England. States that they will get…