Browse Items (56 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Mediterranean Sea"

The Conte Rosso is sinking bow first into turbulent waters. Men are struggling in the water and a figure is totally submerged with only his left hand raised above the water. Nearby, a man with a lifebelt marked “CONTE ROSSO” is swimming towards…

A lifeboat is about to capsize. Figures are falling helplessly into the water and one figure in a green shirt is screaming in terror whilst holding his right arm in the air. The keel of the lifeboat is above water as it tips backwards.

Label reads…

The SS Galilea has been torpedoed on its starboard side. A large explosion has caused flames to engulf the craft and black smoke is billowing upwards. Large waves are evident around the ship. Two other ships are sailing away towards the horizon, one…

Ten Alpini dressed in green and with bare feet are in the water, clinging to the outside of a round, yellow life raft. One figure is wearing a life jacket. To the right of the life raft, a further figure is being swept away and another body is…

On a clear day, two white aircraft with red crosses painted on their wings and fuselage are featured. One is flying on the horizon and the other crashing into the sea. Flames and smoke have engulfed the crashed aircraft. Nearby is a white boat with…

William Jackson’s Flying Log Book 1 from 12th July 1940 until 14th February 1943 as a pilot. Training started in No. 15 Elementary Flying Training School, then No. 6 Flying Training School, 17 Operational Training Unit. Posted to 105 Squadron in…
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