Browse Items (32 total)

  • Tags: RAF Witchford
  • Type is exactly "Photograph"

Eight men wearing battledress or tunic all with brevet, six standing and two squatting in front. In the background the fuselage of a Lancaster registration 'ME836'. Submitted with caption 'Don Cameron’s Air Crew 2nd left Ron Alexander, 3rd left…

Eight aircrew, five wearing battledress and three tunics all with brevet standing in line in front of a Lancaster with 30 bomb symbols on the fuselage. Submitted with caption 'Don Cameron’s Air Crew Witchford 1944 The only known names left Kenneth…

Target photograph showing multiple points of lights.
Captioned '3166. Wit.13/14.2.45//NT(C) 7" 19500' 180(Degrees) 01291/2 Dresden. B. 1HC40001N.7CP14.31Secs. F/Lt Snyder.B.115.

A tractor towing two bomb trolleys with a Lancaster behind.
From information kindly provided by the donor. '115 Sqd Lanc Bombing up. Bomb trolleys & Lanc'.

Top right - 13 men and one woman stood or sitting in front of the tail of a Lancaster, and dressed in a mixture of civilian and military clothing (six of them are in flying gear). Captioned ‘The “Boys” of A&B Witchford 1945’. Centre - Seven…

Two photographs. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'HK555 KO-E Gunners, F/S McBride and F/S Stone (both RCAF)', and
'HK555 KO-E All Gunners -(S Guyan centre), R.McBride / S.Guyan / A.Stone'.

From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Unknown Gunner with Camera.'
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