Browse Items (14 total)

  • Creator is exactly "Australia. Royal Australian Air Force"

A card issued by the Royal Australian Air Force to Don Southwell. Includes photograph and description.


Royal Australian Air Force flying log book for Ernest 'Cappy' Olaf Lane covering the period 1 May 1943 to 28 January 1945 detailing his time as a pilot with the Air Fighting Development Unit including low level flying and gyro sight tests. Cappy is…

Enclosing a copy of the investigation report by the Missing Research and Enquiry Service confirming their findings and the deaths of Flying Officer Nigel Bruce Carrall, 432117 and Flying Officer Terence 'Terry' James Taylor McGrath, 432441.

RAAF Form issued to Jim Cahir. It details his service record and medals awarded.

Two leave passes issued to Jim Cahir. It includes a first class return railway ticket.


Officer's certificate of service for Laurence Larmer. Commissioned 22 September 1944, terminated as Flying Officer on 11 February 1946. Awards were 1939-45 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal.

Royal Australian Air Force flying log book for Laurence Larmer covering the period from 7 April 1943 to 3 August 1945. Detailing flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAAF Benalla, RCAF Dauphin, RAF Fair Oaks, RAF Banff, RAF…

Confirming that the personal effects of their son, Flying Officer Nigel Bruce Carrall, pilot, (1921 - 1944, 432117 Royal Australian Air Force) had been received and would be forwarded to the family. A list of those effects is also attached.

The letter refers to his award of a Distinguished Flying Cross, offers congratulations and includes a medal ribbon.

RAAF Form M/F 29 issued to Jim Cahir


The telegram informs Mrs Cahir that her son is missing in action during an operation at Frankfurt.

The message advises Mrs Cahir that her son has been reported as a prisoner of war by the International Red Cross.

The message advises Mrs Cahir that her son's address is Stalag Luft 3 and his number is 267500.
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