Browse Collections (1857 total)

Harris, Neil

An oral history interview with Flight Lieutenant Neil Harris (b. 1920, 56027 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a navigator with 578…

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Harris, Pat and Frank

An oral history interview with Iris 'Pat' Harris and Stanley 'Frank' Harris. Pat Harris's brother Flight Sergeant Jack Carter (576282 Royal air Force)…

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Harris, Harry

An oral history interview with Flight Lieutenant Harry Stracan Thomson Harris (162261 Royal Air Force). He flew two tours of operations as a…

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Harris, Henry

An oral history interview with Henry Harris (b. 1926).

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive staff.

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Harbutt, Laurence


An oral history interview with Laurence Norton Harbutt (b. 1921). He flew operations as a wireless operator with 77, 102 and 39 Squadrons.


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Hanks, John


An oral history interview with John Hanks (b.1922, 1453357 Royal Air Force). He served as an armourer and was posted to the Shetlands.


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Handley, Ivor


Four items. An oral history interview with Eileen Handley and her twin brother Dennis Bush about Ivor 'Tommy' Handley (2205484 Royal Air Force), and a…

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Hampton, James


An oral history interview with James Hampton (b.1923, 2211484, 202028 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a flight engineer with 76 Squadron.…

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Hambrook, Harry

An oral history interview with Harry Hambrook (1925 - 2021, 1890683 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a rear gunner with 166 and 153…

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Hailey, Nora

An oral history interview with Nora Hailey (b. 1930). She grew up in Portsmouth and experienced bombing before being evacuated to grandparents in…

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Hacker, Harry

An oral history interview with Harry Hacker (b. 1923, 1682646, 191354 Royal air Force). He flew operations as a bomb aimer with 40 Squadron.


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Habberfield, Margaret


Two items. An oral history with Margaret Habberfield (b. 1923) and a group photograph. She served as a Women's Auxiliary Air Force telephonist at RAF…

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Gurney, Derek


Three items. An oral history interview with Warrant Officer Derek Gurney (1925 - 2018, 31006156 Royal Air Force) and two photographs. He served as a…

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Greenwood, Betty


Four items. An oral history interview with Betty Greenwood (b.1926) a pair of gloves and two photographs. She was a plotter in the Royal Observer…

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Green, Geoff

An oral history interview with Squadron Leader Geoffrey Green DFC and bar (176170 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a rear gunner and gunnery…

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Green, Elaine

An oral history interview with Elaine green (b. 1940). Her Uncle was an armourer for 617 Squadron.

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital…

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Gray, Gilbert

An oral history interview with GIlbert Gray (- 2023, 1823011 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a flight engineer with 106 Squadron.

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Grant, Harry Basil


An oral history interview with Harry Basil Grant (b. 1923, 1738600 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a wireless operator with 115…

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Graham, Johnny


An oral history interview with Johnny Graham (1922 - 2017, Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a rear gunner with 100 and 101 Squadrons.

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Gould, William Paul

An oral history interview with William Paul Gould (b. 1925, 1818674 Royal Air Force). He flew operations with 622 Squadron).

The collection was…

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Goss, Raymond George


Five items. An oral history interview with Raymond Goss (b. 1933), a map and three photographs. He was a boy during the war and lived on a farm close…

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Gosling, Cyril

An oral history interview with Corporal Cyril Gosling (1923 - 2019, 1512679 Royal Air Force). He served as an armourer with 49 and 617…

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Goldby, John Louis


An oral history interview with John Goldby (1922 - 2020, 1387511, 139407 Royal Air Force). He was shot down and became a prisoner of war in December…

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Givens, Margaret

An oral history interview with Margaret Givens (b. 1934). She remembers the bombing of Coventry.

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital…

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Geach, David


52 items. The collection concerns Warrant Officer David Geach (1394781 Royal Air Force) and contains his diaries, correspondence, photographs of his…

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