Hudson, Douglas. Navigation school examinations


Hudson, Douglas. Navigation school examinations


Contains six examinations on different subjects at air observers school




IBCC Digital Archive


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Hudson, JD

Collection Items

Air observers' navigation school mathematics examination
Time allowed one hour. Contains five mathematics questions with question 4 deleted and substituted.

Air Observer school instruments examination
paper 1. Six questions concerning altimeters

No 1 air observer school mid term examination - D.R Plotting
Time allowed 2 hours. Five questions concerning air plotting on a simulated route over the English Channel.

No 1 air observer navigation school mid term examination, photography
Time allowed 1 hour. 3 questions on aerial photography

No 1 air observers navigation school three week examination
Time allowed 3 hours. Ten questions on mathematics, navigation and maps.

No 1 air observers navigation school mid term examination
Course A2, time allowed 3 hours. Contains 10 questions on general flying subjects, maps, weather and navigation
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