Karl L
Karl L
Karl L's account of the events at Pferdemarkt 9, Schützenstraße 9, Franzgraben 22.
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Record 64
Translated from the original in German: Present is the court clerk Karl L., formerly of Franzgraben 22, still of the same address, and makes the following statement:
We had an air raid on 3 October and a bomb dropped in front of our house. So my daughter went to live for three weeks with the master glazier Klöne (Pferdemarkt) and there she died on the night of 22 October. And that Friday night was supposed to be the last for her to sleep there. That evening, about eight, they brought us the last window panes, the two girls, she with the glazier’s daughter. They were friends. And shortly after eight they left, beaming, and a quarter past eight the alarm came. So they went into the cellar at Klöne’s. According to what Mrs Klöne said, my daughter was the first who wanted to leave the cellar. Klönes followed shortly after but never saw the girls again.
I was in the command centre of the Party because I am a cell leader and was with the group leader Pflüger (Group Wesertor). Our operations room was in Amalien School so that we could stay in contact with the district leadership. There was also a public shelter for about 1000 people. The operations room of my cell took a direct hit. My deputy is dead, the cell administrator had his leg amputated and Klute, my deputy, was thrown against a wall and died. Two more block leaders were injured. That was in Schützenstraße 9.
My flat survived on the whole. I can still use kitchen and bedroom, everything else has been destroyed. If we get another air raid, the house will collapse.
We had an air raid on 3 October and a bomb dropped in front of our house. So my daughter went to live for three weeks with the master glazier Klöne (Pferdemarkt) and there she died on the night of 22 October. And that Friday night was supposed to be the last for her to sleep there. That evening, about eight, they brought us the last window panes, the two girls, she with the glazier’s daughter. They were friends. And shortly after eight they left, beaming, and a quarter past eight the alarm came. So they went into the cellar at Klöne’s. According to what Mrs Klöne said, my daughter was the first who wanted to leave the cellar. Klönes followed shortly after but never saw the girls again.
I was in the command centre of the Party because I am a cell leader and was with the group leader Pflüger (Group Wesertor). Our operations room was in Amalien School so that we could stay in contact with the district leadership. There was also a public shelter for about 1000 people. The operations room of my cell took a direct hit. My deputy is dead, the cell administrator had his leg amputated and Klute, my deputy, was thrown against a wall and died. Two more block leaders were injured. That was in Schützenstraße 9.
My flat survived on the whole. I can still use kitchen and bedroom, everything else has been destroyed. If we get another air raid, the house will collapse.
Vermisstensuchstelle des Oberbürgermeisters der Stadt Kassel, “Karl L,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 22, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/8730.
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