Hail these heroes of Empire. Eleven new awards to men of the R.A.F.



Hail these heroes of Empire. Eleven new awards to men of the R.A.F.


Distinguished Flying Crosses and Distinguished Flying Medals issued to aircrew with details on the operation undertaken.




One newspaper cutting


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Eleven New Awards To Men Of The R.A.F.
Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa are all represented in a new list of R.A.F. awards for gallantry published yesterday.
The Air Ministry announced that the D.F.C had been won by six officers, and the D.F.M. by five sergeants, as follows: -
Squadron-Leader John Ralph Alexander Peel; Acting-Flight Lieut. John Ellis; Flying-Officer Neville Williams, Royal New Zealand Air Force; Pilot-Officer Angus Robson; Flying-Officer Alistair John Oswald Jeffrey (now reported missing); Pilot-Officer William Frank Tudhope.
Sergt. Wallace Stockport, Sergt. Lewis Smith Belton, Sergt. Sidney Ben Fuller, Sergt. Albert Corsuch Goulder, Sergt. Lewis Alan White.
Squadron – Leader Peel, “whose outstanding quality as a leader has raised the flying standard and morale of his squadron to the highest pitch,” has destroyed at least two enemy aircraft in recent actions. On one occasion, although his aircraft had been badly damaged, he followed and shot down a Dornier 17 twenty-five miles from the coast, and eventually had to abandon his own aircraft over the sea.
He was picked up by a lifeboat on the verge of losing consciousness, but was again leading his squadron the next morning.
Acting Flight-Lieut. J. Ellis was employed on offensive patrols over Dunkirk during the evacuation, and led his flight with great courage. On two occasions, while deputising for his commanding officer, he led a patrol of four squadrons and displayed great initiative and leadership. During these patrols Flight-Lieut. Ellis destroyed two enemy aircraft.
Later, while engaged on home defence duties, he shot down one enemy bomber and recently, while leading the squadron, he destroyed two enemy aircraft.
The following day he shot down a further three of eight enemy aircraft destroyed by his squadron.
Flight-Lieut. Ellis “has displayed courage and leadership of a high order.”
Flying – Officer Alistair John Oswald Jeffrey, now reported missing, “displayed gallantry and skill in engagements against the enemy,” destroyed three enemy aircraft in combat, and on two occasions carried out attacks on enemy bases, destroying at least four aircraft on the ground.
Flying-Officer Williams was captain of an aircraft attacked by three enemy ‘planes on returning from the Ruhr last month. One and possibly two of the enemy were shot down and the third driven off.
Although his machine was riddled with bullets, Flying-Officer Williams successfully brought it back to its base.
He has taken part in 21 attacks on Germany and occupied countries, and “displayed coolness, courage, and real leadership.”
Born at Hamilton, New Zealand, in 1915, Flying-Officer Williams was granted a commission in the R.A.F. in 1937. His mother lives at Auckland.
Pilot-Officer Robson showed conspicuous courage in a bombing attack on warships at Wilhelmshaven in July.
Undeterred by terrific enemy gunfire, he swept down to 20 feet above the buildings, crossed the harbour, and pressed home his attack on an enemy warship.
Born at Woolakra, New South Wales, in 1915, he received a commission in the R.A.F. in 1938.
Pilot-Officer Tudhope was captain of an aircraft heavily hit by a high explosive shell. In spite of this a second attack was attempted. The engine was badly damaged, but the aircraft was brought safely home.
Pilot-Officer Tudhope was born at Johannesburg in 1919, and joined the Royal Air Force in 1938.
Sergt. Belton was navigator and bomb aimer in Pilot-Officer Tudhope’s aircraft. He “continued his duties with great coolness and courage” after his cabin had been riddled with holes, and enabled the Pilot-Officer to bring the aircraft home.
Formerly a farm worker, Sergt. Belton was born at Chelmsford, Essex, in 1919.
Sergt. Fuller and Sergt Goulder were captain and wireless operator air gunner of an aircraft engaged in the attacks on warships at Wilhelmshaven.
The attack was delivered from a few feet above the docks, and “these airmen have invariably shown conspicuous courage and devotion to duty.”
Sergt. Fuller was born at Chiswick. He is 25, and joined the R.A.F. in 1931 as a boy apprentice. His father lives at Sheerness.
Sergt. Goulder born at Southport in 1921, joined the R.A.F. in 1937. He was formerly a laboratory assistant.


“Hail these heroes of Empire. Eleven new awards to men of the R.A.F.,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/811.

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