Letter from David Boldy to his parents



Letter from David Boldy to his parents


Letter from David Boldy to his parents. General conversation about life at St. Paul's school in Darjeeling, with references to test scores, the books he is reading, sports and pastimes.




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Two page handwritten letter


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923995 LAC DA. BOLDY.
15th May. 1941.

My darling Dad,

Thanks ever so much for your letter. I am so pleased to hear you liked the wallet. It has not only sentimental value as a present but also value as a S. African Curio.

You should find the Lewis gun most interesting & good fun to fire.

At long last I am a fully trained man. I feel very proud with my Beret up – the gunners half-wing with A.G. in front. You will see what it looks like from a photograph I shall send shortly. It really feels good being fully qualified. All of us passed thank goodness & our friends in East London are very pleased. Thanks for the cable congratulating me. Also for sending the cash. It was sweet of you Dad.

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Now that the course is done with we are having a rollicking time. The S. African boys have gone on to their new station but the six of us have remained here, at the moment free of all duties.

I did very well in morse code. The six R.A.F. only had to receive morse at ten words per minute. I decided to have a shot with the S. African boys. I got 100% at ten words per minute & 95 ½ % at eighteen words per minute. Not bad considering we only did at the most [deleted] indecipherable word [/deleted] six to eight words at home.

We had a gratifying course binge. All the officers turned up and we got cracking. By the end of the evening we were all quite tight. We had more fun, breaking into the officers mess at 4 in the morning then being tipped out of bed at 5 by some of the fellows including the officer in charge of us. He is one of the Whitest men I can meet

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There were speeches at the party. I was asked to speak on behalf of the six R.A.F. attached to the course. My speech was short & sweet. Its funny we did not think much of them at first but having got to know them were damn sorry to be separated from them. It went down well. They are a damn fine crowd of blokes & was genuinely sorry to be parted from them as we made some good friends.

At the moment I am just about completing a week’s local leave. A friend in town has put me up. He (Desmond) is a grand chap. He has a small sports car which is at my disposal whenever he is not using it. As he goes out with my girls sister it amounts to almost all the time. He has really been damn decent to me. You should see me shooting around in his sports car, its great fun. I have just had the

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most terrific week. Desmond has six months leave from the army for business reasons. All his friends ( a fine crowd of fellows) are down here on leave & we have been hitting the high spots – in a big way too. We are only young once this is properly the last chance I will get of dorking around as we should be in action before very long so I am making the most of my time. We have had two terrific quarrels but otherwise we have got on very well indeed. I shall send you a photo of her shortly.

Desmonds [indecipherable word] programe at the moment is as follows. Five sets of tennis every morning a quiet afternoon then out with our girl friends in the evening. In the evening we usually go to a dance and a drink somewhere. The S. Africans have really given us a square deal

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both as regards work & play. This girl friend of mine is really lovely Dad. I am sure you would like her. She is the second girl I have liked in this country. That is nearly [deleted] indecipherable word [/deleted] 8 months. Not too bad considering we have been to four places. I am very particular these days.

The other morning I played golf for the second time. I was helped this time & got on famously. It is amazing what a difference it makes if someone tells you what to do.

Some of the photographs I have taken recently are wizard. A number of them exposures taken at night. They are incredibly good. I shall send you some as soon as possible.

I got on very well with five of Desmonds friends who are

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down here this week. They take me swimming all over the place. Some of the parties we have had have been really good fun.

My girl friend’s name is baby & we do awfully well together at dancing. You ought to see us.

At the moment we are awaiting posting. If you don’t hear from me for some time you will know I am on the move again. It’s funny I hate moving once I get settled in a place but one gets used to anything these days.

The weather has been ideal. Perfect for tennis, golf & swimming. These [indecipherable word] keep me fit despite the late nights.

No more to-day, Dad darling. Will write again in a couple of days & try send some snaps.

God bless you. Lots of love
from your loving son
[underlined] David. [/underlined]




David Boldy, “Letter from David Boldy to his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 23, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/523.

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